In Depth

Anti-Specter Details Needed

By Carroll Andrew Morse | November 11, 2004 |

I’d like to offer a suggestion to the conservatives mounting a challenge to Arlen Specter’s chairmanship of the Senate judiciary committee. They need to do a better job explaining what exactly the powers of a committee chair are, and exactly how a committee chair can frustrate the appointment process in a way that any other…

The Dems and National Security

By Carroll Andrew Morse | November 11, 2004 | Comments Off on The Dems and National Security

My latest article for TechCentralStation, on the subject of the Democratic party and national security issues, ran today. As luck would have it (or maybe it’s my vast network of spies in the vast right-wing conspiracy), the article serves as something of a response to blog entries from Kevin Drum and Matt Ygelsias (scroll up)…

Teacher Contracts

By Marc Comtois | November 11, 2004 |

After 20 months of fruitless contract negotiations, the School Committee and the Warwick Teachers Union are about to put the dispute to arbitration hearings — but now they can’t even agree on when to meet to frame out a schedule for the proceedings. So begins the latest report on the latest chapter in the Warwick…

Can you Secede From the Bizarro World?

By Carroll Andrew Morse | November 10, 2004 |

And having opened talking about the local roots of this blog, I now move immediately to a national-level post… The (mostly tongue-in-cheek, I think) talk about some sort of red-state blue-state secession has me feeling like I’m living in the Bizarro World. I have a track record on the issue of secession. I’ve written a…

Late, as Usual

By Carroll Andrew Morse | November 10, 2004 | Comments Off on Late, as Usual

My apologies for being late to the kick-off party. Thanks go immediately to Justin for setting this blog up and giving it a professional look. It makes it almost look like we are important! Now, my temptation is to next write the sentence “but of course, as conservative leaning individuals in Rhode Island, we’re not”.…

A Charitable Interpretation

By Justin Katz | November 10, 2004 |

Michelle Malkin color-coded a by-state generosity index to reflect the election outcomes. Wading through the eighteen blue states — not one of which broke the top twenty-five — I found a silver lining for Rhode Island: at least we beat Massachusetts and New Hampshire. Putting aside methodological questions, what could account for RI’s poor showing?…

Bi-Partisan Conservatism

By Marc Comtois | November 10, 2004 | Comments Off on Bi-Partisan Conservatism

A new column by National Review Online’s Jonah Goldberg has prompted me to clarify something, at least about myself. Goldberg has pointed out that he is primarily a conservative, which is too-often conflated to mean the same thing as being a Republican. In fact, they are different. It is obvious that to a large degree…

Optimism for Republican Gains in Rhode Island

By Marc Comtois | November 10, 2004 |

As detailed in this morning’s ProJo, Karl Rove went into a deep statistical analysis of where the Republicans gained in the electorate during the recent elections. One of his examples, surprisingly, was the increase the President enjoyed in garnering the vote of Rhode Islanders. Kerry carried Rhode Island with 59.4 percent of the vote. Mr.…

Bush v. California

By Justin Katz | November 10, 2004 |

Froma Harrop walks a strange line between liberal and conservative principles in a recent column about economic differences between the Red States and the Blue States, and the tax-cut implications thereof. It’s a thick topic, even when it isn’t encumbered by an underlying theme of pinning something undesirable to President Bush’s back. Consequently, I’m not…

AG Lynch: Preview of Gov. Lynch?

By Marc Comtois | November 9, 2004 | Comments Off on AG Lynch: Preview of Gov. Lynch?

Edward Achorn has a column in today’s ProJo denouncing state Attorney General Patrick Lynch for his confusing and specious written justification for not prosecuting Cranston Firefighter Union head Paul Valletta for threatening Cranston Mayor Steve Laffey at a City Council meeting in August. The incident is on tape and no reasonable person would argue that…