Quick Read

Redistributive Property Taxes: Who’s in the Providence Crosshairs?

By Justin Katz | April 13, 2013 |

The way property taxes work, in Rhode Island, revaluations are little more than a way of redistributing the tax burden, and in Providence, a shift from taxing buildings to taxing land has repercussions for a number of recent issues, from the Superman Building to legislation affecting the entire state. Continue reading on the Ocean State…

Ken Block: Data shows Master Lever Likely Helped Speaker Fox Avoid Defeat Last November

By Monique Chartier | April 10, 2013 |

This afternoon, Ken Block released the following interesting analysis of the 2012 election results for District 4. Reform advocate urges Fox and Senate President Paiva-Weed to respect the voice of Rhode Islanders and let bills eliminating Master Lever come to vote (PROVIDENCE, RI 4/10/13) Businessman Ken Block, who has been a leading advocate for the…

Health Benefits Exchange: What They Mean by Self-Sustaining

By Justin Katz | April 8, 2013 |

Amidst the political noise of news on marriage, immigration, and guns, Phil Marcelo has an informative article in today’s Providence Journal highlighting the fact that the State of Rhode Island is going to have to pay to maintain its ObamaCare health benefits exchange when federal dollars run out. That’s an issue that I raised last…

Ted Nesi Puts In Perspective Mike Riley’s Remarks

By Monique Chartier | April 7, 2013 |

With reference to the (regrettable) comments that Mike Riley made to the police on that Fateful Night, WPRI’s Ted Nesi tweeted a couple of days ago, Riley’s comments are still no match for Senator Ciccone’s immortal words, “You think you got pension problems now?” http://www.wpri.com/dpp/news/polit… No match, indeed. (For those who might have missed it,…

Another State Route to Riches: Institutional Attendants Earning Six Figures

By Justin Katz | April 4, 2013 |

The job listings for “institutional attendants (psychiatric)” positions in the state Department of Behavioral Healthcare, Developmental Disabilities, and Hospitals (BHDDH) offer a salary in the mid-$30,000s, and payroll information available through the RIOpenGov project of the RI Center for Freedom & Prosperity suggests top regular pay in the low-$40,000s. In 2010 and 2011, however, almost…

Minimum Wage Workers and the Threat of Increases

By Justin Katz | April 3, 2013 |

A quick update study from the RI Center for Freedom & Prosperity finds that legislative proposals at the state level to increase the minimum wage to $8.25 per hour would cost workers in the state 432 jobs, measured against last year’s $7.40 per hour rate. Even worse would be the proposal suggested by U.S. Congressmen…

RIOpenGov Strives to Fill Transparency Void

By Justin Katz | April 2, 2013 |

The RI Center for Freedom & Prosperity has posted state payroll information to its transparency Web site, RIOpenGov.org. The site lists all state employees by name, department, and division, and presents their pay, including overtime, for the years 2010 and 2011. The Ocean State Current drew some attention to this data last week, with reports…

1,700,000+ “Sick” Brits Mysteriously Cured When Gov’t Implemented Medical Testing For Incapacity Benefit

By Monique Chartier | April 1, 2013 |

It’s a MIRACLE! … almost 900,000 have dropped their claim to the taxpayer-funded benefits rather than undergo a new medical test as part of the Coalition welfare reforms. … Another 837,000 who did take the test were found to be fit to work immediately, and a further 367,300 were judged able to do some level…

Make Every Day Easter Day

By Carroll Andrew Morse | March 31, 2013 |

— Pope Francis — Why do you look for the living among the dead? Our daily problems and worries can wrap us up in ourselves, in sadness and bitterness…and that is where death is. That is not the place to look for the One who is alive! — Pope Benedict XVI — We have to…

Note in Response to the Providence Journal

By Justin Katz | March 30, 2013 |

Because Providence Journal staff writer Lynn Arditi never made any attempt, of which I’m aware, to contact me or anybody associated with the Ocean State Current while writing her article,”Overtime reports inflated, say R.I. officials,” a few moments of a Saturday morning are justified for response. In the article, the Projo reports on the payroll…