
A water drop and ripples

Much of the government grant system is simply laundering money for ideological purposes.

By Justin Katz | January 31, 2025 |

This is, let’s just say, a reasonable thing to wonder: It may have long been the case that federal grants were a major financing scheme for left-wing organizations, but the Obama administration amplified it, flooding the market and giving us much of the confusion and turmoil of the last decade. Objectively, one can say that…

A water drop and ripples

Whenever I wonder if I’m inflating the significance of radicals in Rhode Island…

By Justin Katz | January 31, 2025 |

… I remind myself that Aaron Regunberg was very nearly governor.  A lot has happened since this tweet, so as a reminder, Brian Thompson was the healthcare CEO murdered in cold blood in New York:

A water drop and ripples

Think about the effect of having elected officials like Sam Bell in the General Assembly.

By Justin Katz | January 30, 2025 |

Here is Senator Bell’s response, back in November, to the CEO of, who offered a mild, moderate suggestion for Democrats after the election: Bell exposes two important things, with this Tweet.  First, a significant portion of Rhode Island’s Democrat power elite are happy to ride the state into utter, Venezuelan devastation for the sake…

A water drop and ripples

Assuming the continuation of context is a fundamental error of progressives.

By Justin Katz | January 29, 2025 |

We see it in this tweet from Jesse Kelly:

A water drop and ripples

Vance should add a point to his view on citizen construction work.

By Justin Katz | January 28, 2025 |

It’s from October, but this argument from Vice President Vance against the view that nobody will build houses except illegals is worth revisiting: “This is one of the really deranged things that I think illegal immigration does to our society is it gets us in a mind-set of saying we can only build houses with…

A water drop and ripples

We’re getting a clear picture of what we’ve let our country become.

By Justin Katz | November 4, 2024 |

Mark Steyn’s daily pre-election column is vintage Steyn today. But in Botswana everyone voted on Wednesday, the last up-country results came in on Thursday, the ruling party conceded and the new guy was sworn in on Friday. That’s a normal election in a normal country. Meanwhile, back in the greatest country in the history of…

A water drop and ripples

We’re being governed by a deliberately toxic and wasteful bureaucracy.

By Justin Katz | November 4, 2024 |

I’ve fallen way behind, so this tweet from Ken Block is a couple months old, but its content is (unfortunately) timeless in Rhode Island: The picture being painted for me by over ten current and former DOT employees is a toxically managed organization where who you know is far more important than how you do…

A water drop and ripples

Federal government data simply can no longer be taken at face value.

By Justin Katz | October 16, 2024 |

I realized this when watching Democrats’ repeated proclamations about jobs numbers during the Obama years only to see those numbers quietly revised the following month, almost always with the revision making touted jobs disappear, rather than quiet corrections representing improvements. Now, it seems crime data has the same partisan infection.  All year, we’ve been hearing…

A water drop and ripples

A belated word on Russia-funded conservative commentators.

By Justin Katz | October 1, 2024 |

The news cycle flows by so quickly, lately, that political actors and activists are learning it’s sometimes best to just keep your head down and let the controversy of the day join the rest of the noise tomorrow.  Nonetheless, I think there’s something worth noting in the now-passed story about Russia funding some conservative commentators.…

A water drop and ripples

Are you feeling the wobble in RI’s medical infrastructure?

By Justin Katz | September 24, 2024 |

I find it ominous that one of my children’s dentist just cancelled an appointment for tomorrow due to short staffing. RI’s medical infrastructure feels a bit like we could get the equivalent of an emergency Washington Bridge closure at any time.  Or maybe we’ve been getting them, but the people who run the state are…