Has it ever happened in history that a country’s government has so aggressively opposed a domestic industry so vital to the economy and national security? It’s like an autoimmune disorder. Nancy Pelosi: We cannot “use [high gas prices] as an excuse” to produce more American energy — RNC Research (@RNCResearch) March 31, 2022
I’m glad to have learned about the Abernathy Boys’ cross-country adventures a century ago, but I do wonder. Sure, the 10- and 6-year-olds’ adventures do echo across the decades as something lost. And yet… their story was unique even then, and life has become less dangerous for children, which is a good thing. On the…
We’re not supposed to eat meat on Fridays during Lent. However, yesterday was the Solemnity of the Annunciation, which means the rule of abstaining from meat was suspended for the day. Whether Biden knew of the suspension, we cannot know. Even if he didn’t, this would have been a small transgression (especially compared with…
It’s interesting how topics bubble up in the constant flow of information in which we swim, these days. Yesterday, I came across Martha Rosenberg’s interview with women’s health advocate Mike Gaskins, whose research has investigated the science and politics with which the birth-control pill became a cultural mainstay: Several years ago, I heard a lecture…
Maybe I’m just entering that late-middle-age phase, but it seems to me that younger adults — or all of us, with reference to times that were before our time — too infrequently understand the experience of the past. Consider this find from Tim Worstall for Accuracy in Media: A new piece from Teen Vogue says that…
Patrick Anderson follows up on the state’s ongoing efforts to change its official name everywhere, following a constitutional edit during the last election: You don’t have to look too hard to find the words Providence Plantations on state buildings, a year and a half after Rhode Island voters deleted them from the state name. The…
It’s depressing to say, but it looks like the anti-reform strategy of the teachers unions and other special interests succeeded. From the beginning, it was clear that the plan was to delay and obfuscate attempts at correcting the unforgivably terrible performance of Providence schools until the attention of the public moved on. For some reason,…
Ed Driscoll rounds up a little bit of the commentary, including: TWITTER THREAD ON 2020 AND ITS AFTERMATH: “The Democrats saw an opportunity with the emergence of Covid to crush a roaring economy under a president they didn’t like. So they, & their base, did everything in their power to impose crushing restrictions on small…
Strange how little I’ve been seeing about stories like this in my rounds of news collection. You’d think it’d be of broad interest. Rampant fraud and abuse occurred statewide at Wisconsin’s nursing homes and other residential care facilities,” according to the Office of Special Counsel’s second interim report filed on March 1 with the Wisconsin…
Democrat Governor Dan McKee’s letter to Joe Biden expressing our state’s willingness to house refugees from war in Ukraine raises many questions. For instance, why is this particular offering worthy of a prominent, grandiloquent pronouncement while accepting midnight flights of illegal immigrants (mostly young men) is not? Separately, one wonders what it means to welcome…