Jon Caldara makes an excellent point about energy in Colorado that applies in Rhode Island, as well: … the Public Utilities Commission’s job was (key word there) to fight for the least cost energy while protecting our environment. That mission has been turned on its head. Least cost is the PUC’s very last priority. This…
Rocky IV was iconic when I was young, and for decades I’ve heard what a let-down Rocky V was. I finally got around to watching it tonight (while cleaning the kitchen, lest you think I’m a couch potato or something). It actually wasn’t bad, and I think the promo summary has done it harm all these years…
It’s not a good sign when vague, anonymous allegations on the Internet against an unnamed member of a group lead to violent attacks on that group’s residence: Recent online sexual assault allegations against Theta Chi at the University of Massachusetts Amherst resulted in raucous protests that included flipping a car and injuring a member of…
The world has gone mad. Disclaimer: I’ve been vaccinated and think other adults should be, too. But this is ridiculous. This is concerning at the baseline level. This becomes even more concerning when you overlay that both the kidney donor and the transplant patient are unvaccinated and aligned without issue. The hospital is refusing the…
Glenn Reynolds shares a really good point from a friend of his: Remember: They’ll spend trillions on bills they haven’t read but want details on how you spent $600.
I’d caution against reading too much into this development, but it does provide some important context for U.S. public health decisions: Swedish health officials on Wednesday paused usage of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine for younger people and children after reports of possible side effects including myocarditis, while Denmark also announced that it halted the shot…
I started college in 1993, and I remember people older than me who had gone to urban campuses talking about the dangerousness of the cities — muggings, assaults, break-ins. Those things can always happen as random events, but by the mid-’90s, it kind of seemed like they were largely a thing of the past. Unfortunately,…
This is one of those “wait, what?” items: “Attorney General Garland has a conflict of interest in bringing this investigation. Erika Sanzi of Parents Defending Education notes that ‘Parents are concerned over intrusive surveys and ‘screeners’ that ask 12-year-olds if they are pansexual or gender fluid. The surveys are often created/administered by’ Panorama Education. ‘Merrick…
After presenting an alternative reality in which pro-lifers spoke in the manner of climate-change alarmists, Grayson Quay writes: Our progressive elites have no qualms about advancing their agenda through extralegal means. For them, illegal immigration, anti-police rioting, and even light eco-terrorism are all examples of what John Lewis would call ‘good trouble.’ If legal maneuverings…
In the Reuters article I mentioned the other day, U.S. Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo was so bold as to say this: “We are going to look to work with our allies to counteract China’s anticompetitive behavior,” Raimondo said. “That’s a big difference between the last administration’s approach and our administration’s approach.” She said tariffs on…