Justin Katz
John DePetro and Justin Katz discuss several indications of how oppositional politics would help keep Rhode Island upright.
The other day, I wondered whether younger folks have any sense of how long-standing is the problem of the huge gray area between journalists within the Palestinian territories (and elsewhere in the Middle East) and the terrorist organizations they’re covering. Whether or not they’re more like terrorist propagandists is a gray area the terrorists have…
Surprising absolutely nobody, Democrat Gabe Amo won the available Congressional seat in Rhode Island yesterday. For those who really get into local politics, the thrill of the bet in such races is predicting whether the Republican will come in closer to 30% or closer to 35%. Gerry Leonard hit the 35%, so congratulations to him.…
Consider this tweet from WPRI’s Ted Nesi as an indication of the dehumanizing aspect of the fashionable “community” phrase: This politically correct practice allows 80 people to stand in for a “community” of nearly 20,000 people. It’s careless identity politics, and it’s ideologically corrupt. How do 80 people get to speak for 20,000? Does Ted…
If “genocide” on the other side of the world justifies defacing statues, vandalizing buildings, and shouting down speakers, it will justify violence.
While I’m catching up on noteworthy items I’ve had on my to-do list, I have to point out that General Treasurer James Diossa’s grandstanding talk about “evaluat[ing] the banking relationship and the state’s business with Washington Trust Company” ought to be disqualifying for him to continue holding his position. I’ve offered my opinion on the…
John DePetro and Justin Katz find evidence across multiple issues that truth is beginning to break through Democrats’ wall of unity.
This tweet from Democrat Attorney General Peter Neronha is a little old, but I didn’t want to let it pass without comment in this space: The people who own property in the state have rights, too. Many, probably most, of them are “people of this great state.” The AG has to enforce the laws as…
Although it no-doubt reveals my prejudices, if I were to rank Rhode Island’s handful of institutions of higher education on matters of freedom of thought, I’d expect Brown University — the Ivy League bastion of the elites and producer of the likes of Aaron Regunberg and Tiara Mack — to top the list of badness. …
I believe in humanity’s ability to adapt and recover, but it typically comes at the expense of a lot of waste and pain. I’m increasingly worried that we’ve cheated younger generations of the ability to think. Not only are schools failing to teach it, but our emphasis on schooling has drawn many children and young…