Justin Katz
Monique took the Anchor Rising slot with Matt Allen on 630AM/99.7FM WPRO last night to talk about painted pigs. Stream by clicking here, or download it.
Here’s a theory — attractive more for the likely reaction than the likelihood that it’s correct: America’s liberals are preparing themselves for the possibility that McCain will win the presidency. That would explain why they’re salvaging the emotionally satisfying, if self destructive, Bush Derangement Syndrome (BDS) that they’ve enjoyed for at least the past four…
Most workday mornings (especially if everybody in the house slept through the night), my drive over the Sakonnet River Bridge brings a wave of gratitude for the sights that fill my days. Similarly, the breeze off the water, whether warm or cool, as I cross the parking lot to church come a Sunday morning makes…
It may be that my estimate of the midyear budget review yielding a $150 million deficit was too optimistic. We’re apparently starting with a baseline gap that’s already one-fifth of that: The state ended its last budget year awash in red ink, according to a newly-released Aug. 29 report by state Controller Marc A. Leonetti.…
We’ve been having this conversation hereabouts, and Jonathan Zimmerman puts it well: Beneath all of this talk, of course, lies the fallacy of race itself. Although America is a richly diverse place, we’re told, people in any given race are the same — or should be. That’s why you still hear whispers in the African-American…
Put aside, for a moment, the very interesting fact that the article is one of an increasing number that place Obama in parallel with Palin and compare and contrast the pair’s responses to the question of government takeover of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Obama: “These entities are so big and they are so tied…
Tom Sgouros’s message must be mellifluous to public-sector ears. Everything’s cause and effect (no poor decisions on officials’ part), and vaguely unseemly of the citizens who initiated the latter. The story, in summary, is that all was demographically golden in the world back in the ’50s, until people started moving from Rhode Island’s cities to…
Just a pause to affirm that one doesn’t have to push the boundaries of ethics to extend the boundaries of medical science: The cell identity switch turned ordinary pancreas cells into the rarer type that churns out insulin, essential for preventing diabetes. But its implications go beyond diabetes to a host of possibilities, scientists said.…
Oh to have the financial liberty that David Segal makes evident through his priorities (emphasis added): I can think of nothing that would attract young people to Rhode Island, and keep them around, at a higher rate than expanded transit, and expanded health care — two services that have suffered the most, under the austerity…