Justin Katz

Increasingly Shrill Anti-Drilling Rhetoric

By Justin Katz | June 26, 2008 |

Think on this Dave Granlund cartoon as you consider whom to throttle (or merely to vote out of office) in reaction to growing energy prices and the resulting inflation. As the costs of necessities go up, it will surely dawn on the Average American that we could drill for oil within our own borders to…

Bob Kerr, Grim Reaper

By Justin Katz | June 26, 2008 |

Bob Kerr tries to make it seem as if he wants more news coverage of the various war efforts in which the United States is currently engaged: … this week, we learn there is even less effort than before to keep the wars, especially the war in Iraq, in front of the people who pay…

Recorded Without a Warrant

By Justin Katz | June 26, 2008 |

Andrew was recorded last night on the Matt Allen Show without anybody’s having secured a warrant, as far as I know (segment streamable by clicking here, or download). The topic was the FISA compromise that he’s been addressing ’round here.

Educating the Workers

By Justin Katz | June 24, 2008 |

Interweaving Rhode Island’s institutions of higher education with the business community is certainly a wise intention, although I think John Kostrzewa oversells the centrality of such a move to a recovery of the state’s economy: Sue Lehrman, founding dean of the Providence College School of Business, has been in Rhode Island for less than six…

And Just So’s You Don’t Miss This Nugget

By Justin Katz | June 22, 2008 |

Be sure to note the closing paragraph of today’s Projo article on the last bit of legislation for this year: The Senate plans to return Thursday to confirm new traffic court magistrate David Cruise, Montalbano’s chief of staff, and a new District Court judge, Mary Elizabeth McCaffrey, sister of the Senate Judiciary chairman. As I…

Oh, How the Numbers Will Shrink

By Justin Katz | June 22, 2008 |

Maybe we should start a betting pool for the dollar amount of November’s supplemental-budget shortfall. I’ve got a fiver on $364 million — a number plucked in the rough-ballpark fashion of The Price Is Right. Already, though, I can hear the voices (even of those who generally agree with me): “Whoa! Isn’t that a bit…

The Sweet Simplicity of Progressivism

By Justin Katz | June 21, 2008 |

If only progressives’ plans were always this straightforward: Statewide Wifi available everywhere to everyone… for free . And let the cable/telephone companies bid on the right to be the State’s sole provider. How would it be paid for? The company winning the bid to provide the service will maintain sole rights to sell advertising space…

Plain Distraction

By Justin Katz | June 20, 2008 |

I have to admit a passing addiction to a Flash game called Swinging Ball. Simple, and yet somehow intriguing. Rolling and swinging a simple line-drawing ball around puzzles brings to mind the importance of mechanics. The images could have been anything, really — Spider-man would have been one obvious trapping. I know nothing about game…

Budget Moves On

By Justin Katz | June 19, 2008 |

The RI Senate has passed the budget 36 to 2. Again, “the plan softens the blows to some programs hit hard under the governor’s original budget proposal.” How’s that? The Providence Journal report on last night’s House offered this noteworthy commentary: Indeed, lawmakers couldn’t recall another budget vote that passed without a single “No” vote.…

Section C Marriages

By Justin Katz | June 19, 2008 |

Evidently, my Anchor Rising shirt with the target on the back ended up in Marc’s laundry, yesterday. Perhaps if I make a similar point to his, but stepping outside the boundaries while the garment is in the wash, we’ll manage a fruitful discussion. Although it is without doubt the hope of many who support same-sex…