Justin Katz

Exodus Means Less Reason to Stay

By Justin Katz | December 31, 2007 |

Seasonality is likely a factor, but I’d been intending to offer the anecdotal testimony that the help wanted sections of various local and state papers are more sparse than I’ve ever seen them. Apparently, it isn’t just my impression: Job vacancies in Rhode Island declined from 10,949 in spring 2006 to 8,637 last summer, a…

Not Really My Crowd, But…

By Justin Katz | December 30, 2007 |

My heroes so far in Disney Princesses on Ice: The things we endure as parents. Now if I can endure the demands for $10 snow cones during intermission.

A Need, No Specifics, and a Way of Life

By Justin Katz | December 30, 2007 |

What comes to mind when somebody declares the necessity of population control? Personally, my initial reaction is against a presumed totalitarian intent. Yeh Ling-Ling’s op-ed in the Providence Journal yesterday exacerbates that reaction, with its first paragraph urging presidential candidates to “learn from the Chinese experience.” And no, the piece isn’t about the dangers of…

On the Weakness of Prim ‘n’ Proper

By Justin Katz | December 29, 2007 |

In a tangential comment to Marc’s post about population loss, “Chalkdust” issued the following multipart critique of Anchor Rising’s comment sections: “Of course, once NOW stayed on its knees for Bill Clinton” Another reason (along with “brown babies”) that Anchor Rising MIGHT be an interesting place to debate issues, if one can manage to close…

Light on the Spin

By Justin Katz | December 28, 2007 |

The paper didn’t put it online, but my response to a recent letter to the editor by the NEA’s Pat Crowley is in the current edition of the Sakonnet Times. I just hope that I’ve done a little something to help clarity and truth foil the union’s plans.

Concerns About Coaty

By Justin Katz | December 28, 2007 |

I’m as hopeful as anybody that Steven Coaty’s Newport election to the General Assembly is a sign of trends for the elections to come. I’ll admit, broadly, that I’m a little worried that the RIGOP won’t prove up to the task of pulling the state back from the the precipice that has the Democrats bedazzled.…

Narnia Out of Order

By Justin Katz | December 28, 2007 |

Now why would Disney go and make the Narnia movies out of order? I understand why the film makers wouldn’t want to start with The Magician’s Nephew, which is the first book according to the storyline. C.S. Lewis, after all, didn’t write the book until after The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. I suppose…

The Old In-and-Out in Rhode Island

By Justin Katz | December 27, 2007 |

Subbing for Dan Yorke on WPRO 630AM, Matt Allen has been talking about Rhode Island’s first place ranking among states for lost population, which Marc investigated this morning. I called in to the radio during my commute to mention my finding back in September (and my related Providence Journal op-ed) that, on top of the…

The Proof Is in the Terrorism

By Justin Katz | December 27, 2007 |

There’s a faith-based assessment, on the Left, that war cannot but breed more terrorists, as Professor Gene Perry expresses here: Liberals whom I know are just as concerned to combat terrorism as is Mr. Rowley. The question is how best to do it. Are frontal assaults with tanks and rockets an effective approach to combating…

A Local “No Child Gets Ahead”?

By Justin Katz | December 27, 2007 |

My first reaction is to applaud efforts to make high school graduation requirements more stringent, but something in the execution always seems to cloud the picture: To ensure that a high school diploma in Rhode Island really means a student is prepared to graduate, education officials are developing tougher graduation requirements that would go into…