Justin Katz

The Counterprotest Must Go On

By Justin Katz | December 22, 2007 |

By the way, I would be shirking my agitator’s duty if I didn’t highlight some folks who managed to get out to Fall River and counterprotest the picket that didn’t happen: But even though a judge had said such picketing would be legal, the union didn’t show up. Instead, two Portsmouth residents stood outside the…

The Book of Rhode Island

By Justin Katz | December 22, 2007 |

Mike Squatrito is in the local news regarding the just-published sequel in his Overlords series. You’ll note, if you browse his site, that the second book’s cover is a significant upgrade from the first, for which Mike can thank Anchor Rising’s sometime brush-for-hire Colby Cook. Mike also goes to my church, as it happens. He…

Campaigning from Beneath a Blanket

By Justin Katz | December 21, 2007 |

My piece in the Providence Journal today addresses some common misconceptions about Rhode Islanders’ voting habits and the implications for non-partisan elections. Colby Cook illustrated the piece with a cartoon, which is thus far an Anchor Rising exclusive:

Guess We’re Stuck with It, Then

By Justin Katz | December 21, 2007 |

Could there be a better expression of Rhode Island’s erroneous mentality than EMT’s comment to Marc’s post on the triple-dipper union fireman? So why is this only OK for union presidents who don’t rock the boat? All you conspiracy theorists REALLY believe that Cicilline didn’t feed this straight to the Journal, who are trying to…

A Substitute Career Path

By Justin Katz | December 21, 2007 |

Also in yesterday’s Sakonnet Times is an article about the transitional pains at one of the Tiverton elementary schools that I mentioned last week. Principal Ed Fava ends the article on an interesting note, albeit by missing the more significant factor: Mr. Fava has one more stress to add to his list this month: a…

Giving the Axe [sic] to the Finger

By Justin Katz | December 21, 2007 |

Seemingly to change the topic after the NEA’s many missteps in Tiverton (including the widely distributed image of his own middle finger to the townspeople), NEA Assistant Executive Director Patrick Crowley adds insult to injury by attempting to sell Sakonnet Times readers a portrait of deception. His letter in yesterday’s edition ends with a statement…

Chipping Blocks from the Foundation

By Justin Katz | December 20, 2007 |

What’s dismaying is that which the Providence Journal editorial writer elides in his or her advocacy for same-sex marriage: The ruling essentially locks homosexual couples into marriage in Rhode Island unless one or both members of the marriage move back to Massachusetts and institute divorce proceedings there. That is not equal justice under the law.…

From Each According to Neediness, to Each According to Leverage

By Justin Katz | December 19, 2007 |

Froma Harrop makes an interesting observation: PAYING BLOGGERS is “not our financial model,” The Huffington Post’s co-founder, Ken Lerer, told USAToday. What a profitable business that must be. The Huffington Post is a popular liberal blog site named for Arianna Huffington, a pundit and power broker in the celebrity-industrial complex. Huffington is also very smart.…

Advocates for the Sheep

By Justin Katz | December 19, 2007 |

I’ve been finding something frustrating with local Christian leaders, of late. Consider part of the Gospel reading from this past Sunday’s Catholic Mass readings: Jesus said to them in reply, “Go and tell John what you hear and see: the blind regain their sight, the lame walk, lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead…

Warwick’s Honesty Tax

By Justin Katz | December 18, 2007 |

It’s certainly a laudable act to seek to return $762 dollars found on the ground by an ATM. Few, indeed, would fault a man for predicting the rightful owner to be unlocatable and pocketing the money. Even fewer, I’d say, would find it blameworthy to keep the money if the authorities wouldn’t hand over even…