Justin Katz
I just wanted to remind everybody that tonight is URI Professor Donna Hughes’s lecture on “Women’s Rights & Political Islam” as part of the URI College Republicans’ Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week. It’s certain to be worth attending, if you’re able.
In part because I spend so much time railing against public-sector unions, I wanted to be sure to mention one item from tonight’s town council meeting in Tiverton, although (not being a real journalist) my details will have to remain sketchy until a professional note-taker and reporter makes them available (since a quick Internet search…
You know, in the handful of town council meetings that I’ve attended in Tiverton, I don’t think I’ve seen the council vote down a single increase in spending. Glenn Steckman, the town administrator, just requested permission to advertise for an assistant position that would represent roughly a $10,000 per year increase in salary expense. (The…
… in Jay Nordlinger’s latest Impromptus: … a reader wrote to ask me this: “Dear Jay: After the Senate threatened Rush — and remember the vast regulatory power of the federal government — did anyone utter the words ‘chilling effect’?” Not that I heard, no. Because free speech is for liberals and leftists — for…
In a signed editorial that doesn’t appear to be online, Providence Journal Editorial Pages Editor Robert Whitcomb suggests that the simple solution to America’s healthcare problem is to expand Medicare to encompass everybody: The Republicans will do anything but go to thye simplest, most cost-effective reform — putting everyone into Medicare. The latter’s overhead: 2…
Jonah Goldberg has opened up the topic of ensoulment with respect to abortion, and an email that he published concerning the Christian view doesn’t take its conclusions quite far enough to be entirely relevant to his broader stance on abortion: What Christianity actually teaches is that man—and man alone—is a psychosomatic entity consisting of a…
Whatever the merits of its claims, this argument from the attorney general’s office (concerning why it won’t answer the governor’s call to trim its workforce) is a head-shaker: The attorney general’s office employs 234 workers, barely enough staff to fill the current need, according to Christopher Cotta, director of administration and finance for the attorney…
Every now and then, patterns emerge from my scattershot reading habits. Here’s Jeff Jacoby on public education in America: Americans differ on same-sex marriage and evolution, on the importance of sports and the value of phonics, on the right to bear arms and the reverence due the Confederate flag. Some parents are committed secularists; others…
Knowing full well that it may keep you up too late tonight or get you off to a delayed start in the morning, I hereby introduce you to Chat Noir. Click the light circles to turn them dark and trap the cat before it escapes. Anybody who still has an extra second in the day…
During a commercial break from Kitchen Nightmares, featuring master chef turned restaurateur self-help guru Gordon Ramsay, I read the following comment from George to my Too Cheery post: Yesterday morning some drunk fell flat on his face at a RIPTA bus stop. 7 AM! Just think of the cost of having this loser in our…