Justin Katz

A Moment of Dead Silence

By Justin Katz | March 3, 2005 |

As a subjective guide to Don’s previous post, laying out facts and considerations in the case of Terri Schiavo, I offer the following anecdote from Fr. Rob Johansen, which I found via Lane Core: In the course of our conversation, [a well-respected neurologist] made reference to the standard use of MRI and PET scans to…

Prejudicial Views on Social Security

By Justin Katz | February 28, 2005 |

Seeing that I’m among the younger set that supports President Bush’s Social Security plan, I take umbrage at Froma Harrop’s condescention: The folks are going to stop the kids from doing something stupid. Many have known world war and a great depression. They saw the pitiful old people that Social Security lifted from the gutter.…

An Alternate Reality for Social Security

By Justin Katz | February 23, 2005 |

Perhaps its cause is an irrepressible idealism on my part, but I still find myself stunned and disheartened by the stooped-to depths of political dishonesty. In this one sentence, Rep. Patrick Kennedy appeals to a completely alternate reality to score political points among people whom he assumes to be uninformed and/or stupid: Since the president…

Mayor Laffey to Run for…

By Justin Katz | February 17, 2005 |

After his speech for a gathering of (mostly) Portsmouth Republicans, Mayor Laffey took a sweeping path to not answering a question about whether he’ll challenge Lincoln Chafee for a seat in the U.S. Senate. It didn’t take much listening between the words to hear a “yes” — albeit an indeterminate one. Considering that the sweeping…

And Then There Were Five

By Justin Katz | February 16, 2005 | Comments Off on And Then There Were Five

Anchor Rising is ecstatic to announce a fifth contributor: Mac Owens. Mac is an associate dean of academics and professor of national-security affairs at the Naval War College in Newport; he’s also a contributing editor for National Review Online. Rhode Island is fortunate to have the likes of Mr. Owens as engaged citizens, and Anchor…

A Perfect World Without Merit

By Justin Katz | February 12, 2005 |

Joseph Buffardi, of Cranston, believes that introducing the concept of merit to teachers’ career advancement is a utopian idea: In a perfect world, one could make a case for instituting merit pay for teachers. But this is not a perfect world. As a public-school faculty member for over 30 years, I will grant that not…

The Providence Journal Sets Precedent

By Justin Katz | February 12, 2005 |

As I’ve suggested before, this case may not have been a big deal if decided in court, and it will probably be even less so since the judiciary didn’t get involved at all: The [Tiverton] School Committee still has to work out some legal details, but it decided to extend the health-care benefits of retired…

Thinking Out Loud by Way of Indirect Warning

By Justin Katz | February 11, 2005 |

This aspect of the article to which Don links in the previous post particularly caught my eye: Ban anyone, other than a “recognized employee of a news organization,” from videotaping or taking photographs of House sessions and House committee meetings “without the express permissions of the speaker.” I’m aware of the tendency of the blogosphere…

Re: Re: Foregone Conclusion, a Wacky Idea

By Justin Katz | February 10, 2005 | Comments Off on Re: Re: Foregone Conclusion, a Wacky Idea

You raise some interesting points, Marc, and you’ve sparked a wacky idea — just an out-of-the-box consideration, really, but… Assuming that we don’t manage to change the political culture in Rhode Island to begin unseating incumbents, and given current political trends, what are the chances that a Langevin in the tenth or fifteenth year of…

A Foregone Conclusion (Or Is It “Forgone”?)

By Justin Katz | February 10, 2005 |

Ramesh Ponnuru raises a sore point for Rhode Island conservatives: If Langevin wins the Democratic primary, I’d be open to the idea that conservatives should support him over Chafee. Langevin at least votes pro-life most of the time. I’ll admit that I don’t get out there and network as much as I should, but my…