Mac Owens

Reported death of al-Qaeda in Iraq leader?

By Mac Owens | May 1, 2007 |

The reported death of Abu Ayyud al-Masri is still unconfirmed, but the firefight in which he was allegedly killed illustrates a change in Iraq that has been little noticed until recently: the deepening antipathy of the Sunni tribes of al-Anbar province toward the foreigners of Al Qaeda in Iraq (AQI). There were reports of red-on-red”…

The “Bush Surge” vs. the “Reid Surge”

By Mac Owens | April 20, 2007 |

Not too long ago I posted a criticism of Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), the Speaker of the House of Representatives, for trekking to Damascus to meet with the thug dictator of Syria. In arguing against her trip, I used a scene from the Godfather as an analogy: Sonny dissenting from a decision made by his…

Pubs of Newport, Continued

By Mac Owens | April 7, 2007 |

Congressional Democrats have decided to ban the term “war on terror” in the writing of legislation. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi has decamped from Syria, where she donned a headscarf and in violation of the intent of the Founders, made nice with the dictator of a state supporter of terrorism, attempting to push what…

“Sonny” Pelosi, Redux

By Mac Owens | April 6, 2007 |

Here’s what our friends at Power Line have to say about “Sonny” Pelosi’s trip to the Middle East. ‘We have pointed out that Speaker Pelosi’s attempts at diplomacy in the Middle East haven’t received good reviews from the Israelis or, here at home, from even the Washington Post. However, according to WorldNetDaily, she’s big hit…

“Sonny” Pelosi: Are the Democrats Seeking a “Separate Peace” with Syria?

By Mac Owens | April 2, 2007 |

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi is set to visit Syria for a meeting with a regime that the Bush administration has called a state sponsor of terrorism. Needless to say the White House is not exactly pleased. The best way to explain the logic of the White House’s displeasure is to recall a scene…

What is Conservatism?

By Mac Owens | March 31, 2007 |

The posts by Justin and Marc on Conservative Political Methods logically lead to the fundamental question: what, exactly, is “conservatism?” The problem here is the word itself: “conservatism” is concerned with “conserving,” but conserving what? Many years ago, the Nobel Prize Laureate (Economics) and dean of the “Austrian School” of economics, Friedrich von Hayek, wrote…

Britain and Iran

By Mac Owens | March 31, 2007 |

Re the seizure of the British sailors and Royal Marines by the Iranians, Lord Nelson must be spinning in his grave. It is Nelson, after all who said, among other things, “Our country will, I believe, sooner forgive an officer for attacking an enemy, than for letting it alone” and “No Captain could do wrong…

For a New Series: Pubs of Newport

By Mac Owens | March 28, 2007 |

Anchor Rising is, of course, a political blog. Politics is serious business, but sometimes we need to remember the reason for engaging in politics: to defend what we hold dear. And one of the things I hold dear is a good pub. So with your indulgence, I intend, on occasion, to offer my observations on…

The New Copperheads

By Mac Owens | March 28, 2007 |

I recently remarked on the rhetorical similarities between the Civil War-era Copperheads, “the Peace Democrats” who went out of their way to obstruct the Union war effort, and today’s Democratic Party. Of course, rhetoric is one thing. Action to obstruct is another. With their recent vote to hamstring the authority of the president and his…

Copperheads, Then and Now

By Mac Owens | March 25, 2007 |

While recovering from surgery recently, I had the good fortune to read a fine new book about political dissent in the North during the Civil War. The book, Copperheads: The Rise an Fall of Lincoln’s Opponents in the North, by journalist-turned-academic-historian Jennifer Weber, shines the spotlight on the “Peace Democrats,” who did everything they could…