Monique Chartier

Obama and His Misguided Minister: Should I Stay or Should I Go?

By Monique Chartier | March 29, 2008 |

In point of fact, if he were not running for President, Senator Barack Obama would have stayed. From the AP: Obama discussed his relationship with the Rev. Jeremiah Wright on ABC’s “The View,” which was taped Thursday and aired Friday. Had the reverend not retired and had he not acknowledged that what he had said…

State House – Images From the Hearing on H7950

By Monique Chartier | March 26, 2008 |

Committee hearing in full swing, two minutes before they cleared the room of us standees. That’s Dr. Nick Tsongas in the witness chair and on the screen cheerfully admitting that it is “undeniable that this is redistribution of income”. One of the overflow areas, including a t.v. with live feed from the hearing room. These…

A Not So Handy Bill

By Monique Chartier | March 25, 2008 |

House Bill H7950, sponsored by Representative Arthur Handy (D-Cranston) and quizzically entitled “Economic Growth and Fairness Act”, will be heard tomorrow at the rise of the House. There is a rumor also of a rally against the bill at 4:00 in the Capitol Rotunda. Rep. Handy issued a press release (h/t Dan Yorke) today detailing…

Re: What Was That About Corporate Welfare in RI?

By Monique Chartier | March 24, 2008 |

The ranking to which Justin refers also gives us the edge in unemployment: Rhode Island last month shed 1,200 more jobs, and payrolls shrank to their lowest level in nearly four years, a government report released today shows. The state unemployment rate ticked up one-tenth of a percentage point, to 5.8 percent, as the ranks…

How the Michael Bianco Action Was Actually Handled

By Monique Chartier | March 24, 2008 |

March 6 was the one year anniversary of the “raid” by Immigration and Customs Enforcement on Michael Bianco Incorporated in New Bedford. Remember that managers at the factory (allegedly) did not just knowingly hire undocumented immigrants but would helpfully direct applicants (allegedly) down the street to obtain (allegedly) fake documents as needed. In researching related…

Illegal View: Deja Vu?

By Monique Chartier | March 22, 2008 |

The illegal accessing of official government files possibly for political gain? Not good. Not good at all. Well, it’s a relief to know that the targets of this invasion of privacy – all candidates for the highly sensitive office of the President of the United States – are themselves above such scurrilous activity. Certainly this…

A New Twist – Arms Length Employment of Undocumented Immigrants?

By Monique Chartier | March 21, 2008 |

That numerous undocumented immigrants are currently employed at Packaging Concepts Limited in Lincoln, RI appears not to be a question. What is murky, and perhaps deliberately so, is the employing entity. Following upon the terrible injury of Mr. Leonardo Cos at Packaging Concepts Limited came reports of certain follow-up activity there. Firstly, the company called…

Woonsocket: No Bid Vroom-Vrooms Go Bye-Bye

By Monique Chartier | March 20, 2008 |

Two weeks ago, an ethics complaint was filed against Mayor Susan Menard for her role in the city’s no-bid lease of four motorcycles from her son-in-law’s dealership. She announced soon thereafter that she would be retiring in June. Fast forward to Monday night’s City Council meeting at which Mayor Menard was a surprise show. This…

Gosh, It’s Really Here

By Monique Chartier | March 18, 2008 |

Andrew outlines the “cons” of legalizing prostitution. Bringing it back to Rhode Island, it’s one thing to be aware in an intellectual vacuum that indoor prostitution is legal here. It’s another to read a description of and begin to fully understand that a florishing trade has resulted. Ed Achorn provides that description: One does not…

Keeping Busy Until April 22

By Monique Chartier | March 16, 2008 |

Writing in the Seacoast Online, “The Source for Seacoast NH and Southern ME”, Dr. Electoralitis (Michael McCord) has a suggestion for political-heads who are in primary withdrawal until Pennsylvania. Start an office pool. Call it March-April madness and the point is to make sizable, risk-taking bets to revitalize the speculative muscles. The wagers could include:…