Monique Chartier
Kudos to WPRI’s Tim White and Ted Nesi for obtaining and releasing (against the will of National Grid) the cost to Rhode Island state and local government of the artificially jacked electric rates necessitated by the first phase (the experimental stage) of the Deepwater wind farm. Keep in mind that this is the ADDITIONAL cost…
Courtesy Oceanstate Follies.
Sen. Pichardo and Rep. Diaz have proposed to extend in-state college tuition rates to illegal immigrants. Let’s be clear. Regardless of cost, offering in-state tuition rates to illegal aliens is a complete non-starter on principle. It would become yet another enticement for individuals to come here illegally – in the process, endangering themselves and breaching…
(… shoot, couldn’t think of a better word for capitol starting with “P”.) George’s comment yesterday under Marc’s post um, excuse me…. T H E S T A T E I S G O I N G B R O K E ! reminds me (how could I have forgotten?!) of the remarks that Minority…
… oh, not global climate change itself, just the “theory”. In the wake of increasing public doubt about the theory of AGW as data collection and analysis problems continue to mount, there has been an attempt to recast the theory as “global climate change”, “global climate disruption” or “global weirding”, the proposition that man’s greenhouse…
… so buckle down. Arizona on Thursday filed a lawsuit against the federal government, alleging that Washington has failed to secure the state’s porous border with Mexico. … “Because the federal government has failed to protect the citizens … of Arizona, I am left with no other choice,” Brewer told reporters at a news conference…
Nothing will ever match the depth of Patrick Lynch’s monumentally selfish and depraved disdain for justice. But he’s sure giving it the ol’ college try in a different realm; namely, the use, abuse and disrespect of campaign contributions during the last months of his tenure as AG. During the final three months of 2010, former…
… his candidacy for the chairmanship of the RIGOP via this press release dispatched just after noon today. Republicans are faced with an incredible opportunity to win elections in Rhode Island. We have great incumbents and candidates. We have incredibly hard working activists. Respectfully, I hope to earn your support and vote to become Chairman…
Kudos to NBC 10 for exposing this. Rossignol said the officer at the scene told her that no one was available to give the other driver a breath test. “I couldn’t believe it. And I said, ‘Well, can you get someone who is certified for a Breathalyzer?’ And he said nobody is certified right now…