Monique Chartier

Thwarting the Senate on E-Verify: Why Did the Senate President Go with the Highly Unusual Voice Vote Rather Than the Far More Accurate Electronic Vote?

By Monique Chartier | June 6, 2010 |

[See my post for a recitation of events and Andrew’s post for a description of bill procedure and why democracy within the Capitol is too often considered a “parliamentary trick” by leadership.] This is the question that I asked the office of the Senate President four times over the course of three days last week:…

E-Verify to Be Voted on by the Rhode Island Senate Late Today

By Monique Chartier | June 1, 2010 |

Under Marc’s post, Joe Bernstein points out that RI needed E-verify Yes, it does. Present tense: it needs e-verify. Jobs are the single biggest enticement for people to come here – here to the United States and here to Rhode Island – without respect for the law. This was clearly demonstrated when our economy tanked…

Keynes Had Reconsidered the Invisible Hand

By Monique Chartier | May 31, 2010 |

Monty Perelin at American Thinker observes Wait, stop the Economics. There has been a terrible mistake. From the timeline of the “Maynard Keynes” website. [H/T Jill Fallon at Estate Vaults.] Over lunch at the Bank of England [in April, 1946], Keynes tells Henry Clay of his hopes that Adams Smith’s “invisible hand” can help Britain…


By Monique Chartier | May 31, 2010 |

Conversely, the Moratorium on All New and Exploratory Drilling is Well Within President Obama’s Control

By Monique Chartier | May 30, 2010 |

… unlike the continued gushing of crude into the Gulf of Mexico, Glenn Beck and Pat Gray do an excellent job breaking down how this moratorium is a wild overreaction on the part of the president and how he may not intend to “let this crisis go wasted” but use it to pass Senator Kerry’s…

Failure to Stop the Gulf Oil Gusher is Not Obama’s Katrina

By Monique Chartier | May 28, 2010 |

… of course, Katrina was not Bush’s Katrina. The only “serious” criticism that could be leveled is that he failed for several days to read the minds of a Governor and a Mayor who couldn’t stop sitting on their hands long enough to pick up the telephone and ask for help. But I’m risking an…

Speaker Fox Does a Volte Face on Hearing Palumbo’s Arizona-style Illegal Immigration Bill (But the Rally is Still on Thursday)

By Monique Chartier | May 25, 2010 |

Question for State House observers: is it true that this is the first time that a bill has been pulled after it was scheduled for a hearing? House Speaker Gordon D. Fox decided Monday that Rep. Peter Palumbo’s controversial Arizona-style bill on immigration will not be heard this session. “The speaker opposes this and feels…

Blumenthal to the New London Day: Get my (Lack of) Middle Initial Right

By Monique Chartier | May 24, 2010 |

When it was pointed out to Connecticut AG Richard (this space deliberately left blank) Blumenthal that newspaper articles had picked up and repeated his lies, thereby unwittingly contributing to his stolen valor, Mr. Blumenthal indignantly replied that he could not keep track of all news reports about himself. Not so fast. An editorial in Wednesday’s…

“Arizona Sing-A-Long”: The Importance of Reading

By Monique Chartier | May 23, 2010 |

(… the AZ law before commenting on it). H/T NewsBuster’s Noel Sheppard. On a slightly more serious note, Rep Peter Palumbo’s bill to bring the “Arizona” – aka, the US federal – immigration law to Rhode Island will be heard in the House Judiciary Committee late Thursday afternoon.

King at the Crowne Tuesday: But What Office is He Running For?

By Monique Chartier | May 21, 2010 |

Kerry King, who ran for Lieutenant Gov in 2006 (handy dandy info courtesy Andrew), sent out the following announcement a couple of hours ago. Kerry King cordially invites you to his announcement for candidacy for a State General office on Tuesday, May 25, 2010 at 5:30 pm, at the Crowne Plaza Inn, Warwick, RI. King…