Monique Chartier
Seven paragraphs into this New York Times article about US Attorney General Eric Holder once again finding his political voice (and, as someone who very much wants a change of administration in three years, I say, let the man speak) comes this. “I have to do a better job in explaining the decisions that I…
As a function of one of my jobs, I review state RFP’s to see if the state needs anything that my employer can supply. It’s an interesting task, in part, because it’s a way to see first hand what various state departments are spending tax dollars on. Most of the time, expenditures seem pretty straight…
Actually, the Reuters list via Yahoo News is broken down into Top Ten Annoyances and Top Ten Annoying Phrases. What surprised me about the biggest office annoyance 1. Grumpy or moody colleagues (37 percent) is that it didn’t also include perky or cheerful collegues. In fact, such people don’t appear to have made the list…
I refuse to scrap the entirety of my brilliant post about the new analysis of problematic temperature data stations just because Justin, the smart apple, beat me to it. The most critical element of the theory of anthropogenic global warming is … well, you know, some actual warming of the globe. Data – more specifically,…
Remember this explicit statement that President Obama made almost a year ago? if your family earns less than $250,000 a year, you will not see your taxes increased a single dime. I repeat: not one single dime. Oops. – President Obama says he is now “agnostic” about raising taxes on households making under $250,000 a…
On Tuesday, a candlelight vigil was held for the five people killed in a fire over the weekend. Also on Tuesday, the Central Falls teachers union held a candlelight vigil because they had received layoff notices. actually had a picture and story about each vigil on the front page last night which accented the…
Premiered at last night’s RIGOP meeting.
And the dimension of timing has been added to the central question, which will be discussed at the RIGOP meeting tonight. Should the party close it now, just in time for the November election? Much of the authority to determine timing rests with the chairman. RIGOP Chair Gio Cicione has indicated that he is certainly…
Today’s ProJo: Here in Rhode Island, Governor Carcieri’s administration said it is withholding the local aid payments until the General Assembly decides what to do with the governor’s midyear budget plan, which calls for third- and fourth-quarter motor-vehicle excise-tax reimbursements — a total of $66.7 million, half of it due last week — to be…
Courtesy the Miami Herald. … Miami has been hosting Super Bowls for more than 150 years, and in all that time no harm has ever come to a visitor who didn’t do something stupid such as venture outside the hotel. So have fun! Here are some tips to help you make the most of your…