Monique Chartier

Dating Tips for the Ladies

By Monique Chartier | December 13, 2009 |

… circa 1938. H/T Dave Barry. Here are the first two tips, sans the illustrative photographs – again, circa 1938 – that accompany each tip. DO YOUR DRESSING in your boudoir to keep your allure. Be ready to go when date arrives; don’t keep him waiting. Greet him with a smile! MEN DON’T LIKE girls…

Pension Disbursements After Only Twenty Years of Service – Yet Another Insanity of Rhode Island Government

By Monique Chartier | December 13, 2009 |

The question below is spurred by this excellent OpEd in today’s ProJo. Rhode Island’s pension picture is getting increasingly alarming. Soaring unfunded liabilities are pushing the state toward bankruptcy, and putting a mounting strain on both state and local budgets. … Similarly, the League of Cities and Towns pushed a plan to require higher contributions…

Arlene Violet: “Brown University over-reacts to Young”

By Monique Chartier | December 12, 2009 |

Rhode Island political junkies will recall that Chris Young was literally dragged away by police from a microphone at the Brown University health care forum starring Congressman Patrick Kennedy ten days ago and then criminally charged. Ahlene has an excellent analysis of the incident and its First Amendment implications in Thursday’s Valley Breeze. Excerpt: ……

Can’t See the Jobs for the Tree Stumps

By Monique Chartier | December 12, 2009 |

Gerry Goldstein reports in Thursday’s Valley Breeze that State Senator John Tassoni wants to kill the North Central State Airport. But Tassoni, who represents some of Smithfield and North Smithfield, termed the airport “a thorn in Smithfield’s side” that generates no revenue for the town, is an eyesore because of extensive tree cutting there, and…

Turning the Tide on Toy Totin’ Tots: Prov and East Prov to Hold Toy Gun “Buy”-Backs

By Monique Chartier | December 11, 2009 |

If I were the type to cling to my guns and paranoia, this might strike me as some sort of pre-conditioning. “Look, Johnny and Suzie, it’s normal to hand your guns to the nice man from the government.” Children in Providence and East Providence can trade toy guns for real candy or toys on Friday…

And the Campaign Announcements Roll On: Tom Sgouros for General Treasurer

By Monique Chartier | December 11, 2009 |

From the ProJo’s 7 to 7 News Blog a little while ago; thanks to Andrew for the heads up. Tom Sgouros publishes a bimonthly newsletter that takes a fresh look at the state’s economic policies; he recently published a book. Now, he is hoping to put his analytical skills to work for the state. The…

Global Warming: What is the 6% Solution?

By Monique Chartier | December 10, 2009 |

The Climate Conference commenced Monday in Copenhagen. President Obama has promised that the United States will abate its greenhouse gas emissions to 17 percent below 2005 levels over the next decade and by 83% by 2050. Adding to the madness, the EPA ruled on the same day that greenhouse gases, “emitted by factories, motor vehicles,…

Frank Caprio: Making Up Stories About a Friend to Win a Primary

By Monique Chartier | December 6, 2009 |

… the friend being Don Carcieri. In fact, the friendship between the Governor and the General Treasurer was the impetus for one of the rare instances in which the Governor deliberately opened himself up to criticism from his own party: it was an open secret that during the last election, Governor Carcieri favored Frank Caprio…

Ordering: A Case of Ginkgo Biloba for the Junior Senator from Rhode Island, Please

By Monique Chartier | December 5, 2009 |

The term “Bushitler” and assorted variations were a staple of the two terms of the forty third President of the United States. (Possibly the fact that he had the temerity to win a second term fueled its usage.) Yet in a recording at an unidentified venue, Senator Sheldon Whitehouse purports not to have seen or…

Some Helpful “Don’t’s” for the Holiday Season (and Throughout the Year)

By Monique Chartier | November 29, 2009 |

What not to bring grocery shopping. [Side note: regrettably, due to England’s onerous laws regulating the movement of livestock, it will be six days before the “victim” is reunited with his flock.] How not to effectuate a get-away should your holiday cash flow necessitate the mugging of an armored car driver. What not to buy…