Monique Chartier
Under “General Treasurer Frank Caprio on E-Verify and Immigration,” commenter JoeB asks: Has Lynch taken a stand on e-verify? Good question. Where does Rhode Island’s chief law enforcement officer stand on the question of a tool to aid compliance with certain laws? My quest to answer this question actually began last July. After some research…
It appears that Senator Charles Levesque (D-Bristol, Portsmouth) is once again attempting, minus the kickback, to pick up the slack left by Dolores Rodrigues LaFlamme. Incongruently buried in Bill S0142 entitled “An Act Relating to Alcoholic Beverages — Regulation of Sales” is a substantial modification of the requirements to obtain a Rhode Island drivers license…
Another excerpt from that excellent WSJ article cited by Marc: … by our estimate only $90 billion out of $825 billion, or about 12 cents of every $1, is for something that can plausibly be considered a growth stimulus. And even many of these projects aren’t likely to help the economy immediately. One of the…
Radar loop. Traffic cams. Listen, call, compare notes: WPRO News Talk 630/99.7 FM. ~ AM 920 WHJJ. Addendum And over at Not for Nothing, Ian Donnis came to the conclusion while driving to work today that we are a state of wimps. (Possibly I exaggerate slightly.) He also points out that in the spirit of…
From the BBC News. Two Japanese companies have unveiled a security robot that can be commanded from a mobile phone to hurl a net that traps suspected intruders. The prototype T-34 was developed jointly by robot firm Tmsuk Co and security firm Alacom Co. It moves at up to 10km/h (6mph), and can be controlled…
Setting aside the fact that he apparently didn’t get Martin Luther King Jr.’s memo, can former Labor Secretary Robert Reich please clarify several confusing aspects of his remarks a couple of weeks ago in front of the House Democratic Steering and Policy Committee? Outlining what he believes should be the focus of President Obama’s economic…
I didn’t support a full fledged casino when proposed with the facade of ownership by the Narragansett, for whom it is difficult not to have some sympathy. Why would I support it when 100% of the post-operator revenue would go to a government that, through the politically motivated actions of its elected officials, has been…
Please don’t take this guy away too quickly. From the Chicago Sun Times: Gov. Blagojevich continued to hammer away at the rules governing his upcoming impeachment trial this morning, saying the “fix is in in” and Illinoisans would be socked with massive tax increases should he be kicked out of office. “They want to get…
AR commenters and contributors have observed for some time that the source of the budget problem now facing the state and locals is not a lack, demonstrated by our high property and other taxes, of revenue but rather, many years of imprudent spending. In Providence, Local 1033 of the Laborers’ International Union of North America…
Further to Justin’s post, below is a transcription of General Treasurer’s remarks on these matters. AR: Do you support e-verify? Did you support e-verify? GT: I wasn’t in the Legislature for that. That was more in the last two years. So I didn’t vote on that because I was here, not there. I think we…