Monique Chartier
When East Providence taxpayer Tom Riley spoke during the Public Comment segment of Tuesday’s School Committee meeting, members of the NEA and other unions from around the state boo’ed and shouted him down. (It should be noted that Mr. Riley would, nevertheless, have carried on with his remarks but the School Committee determined that the…
East Providence is looking at budget deficits of over $4m per year for 2008 and 2009 and some scary tax increases if spending on the largest portion of their budget – personnel costs – is not brought into line. This fact seems inexplicably missing from too many statements by the teachers union. These include but…
[Prior to the commencement of the meeting] At the entrance to the High School Auditorium As media cameras roll, cheers, yelling and chants of “teachers, teachers”. And down in front, two or three merry bars of Solidarity Forever.
… or “Gosh, we would make it illegal but …” The reason given in the past by General Assembly leadership for its failure to close out the technicality that makes prostitution legal indoors is that the consequences of doing so would fall disproportionately on women – i.e., the prostitutes. There is an easy solution to…
NEARI President Larry Purtill sent this letter to all Rhode Island members of the NEA on Friday. And RISC sent out the following e-blast yesterday: PETITION ALERT FOR ALL RHODE ISLANDERS! Today, Rhode Island’s emergency is in East Providence, but it could easily be coming to your town next. There is a very serious situation…
On Thursday, Glenn Beck took a skeptical look at some of the projects that would constitute the proposed economic stimulus plan of President-Elect Obama and the 111th Congress, contrasting them to the projects targeted by the last major federal spending spree intended to jump-start the economy. (Guess which state’s polar bear exhibit made his list…
In his speech Wednesday evening, Governor Carcieri cited certain statistics pertaining to Rhode Island’s taxing and spending. [These links are from my own research.] Rhode Island’s property tax burden is the seventh highest in the country. H’mm, the Tax Foundation says we have the fifth highest property taxes, state and local combined. School spending per…
In some parting advice to the GOP on Fox News today [h/t the Washington Post], President George Bush falls into the error of many others who have commented or reported on the subject. He leaves out that one critical word. And we should be open-minded about big issues like immigration reform, because if we’re viewed…
Of course, there are tire kickers, not to mention the offering of services which are illegal in most states. But overall, the reviews are very good. Wood chippers, skis, washing machines, cars, on and on – friends and family have enthused about the stuff they’ve been able to sell or the bargains they’ve obtained via…
Increases in teacher compensation in Rhode Island have been achieved on “They got it, so we should” reasoning. The gains in one city or town’s contract are referenced in subsequent negotiations in other municipalities. I had always thought that this was done informally, however, until I saw Item #3 of the Tentative Agreement, first page…