Monique Chartier
And another friend last week shared some of his own thoughts on the subject. [Reprinted with permission.] For our national party and the RIGOP, without question November 5, 2008 was the first day of the rest of our lives. What lies ahead is not a task for the timid, the inexperienced, or the unbalanced. As…
This l.t.e. (no longer on line), forwarded by a friend, appeared in the Wall Street Journal yesterday. It succintly outlines the discussion this evening between WPRO’s Matt Allen and National GOP Committeeman (State Representative) Joe Trillo as well as currently among Republicans everywhere. My own slightly tangential reaction to this letter is: what hijacking? While…
As much for public-spiritedness of governing philosophy as for aspiration of tenure, the leadership of our citizen legislature might do worse than emulate this fellow.
In view of his grumpiness with both candidates, if you jumped into Christopher Hitchens’ post-election column randomly and missed that one crucial sentence, you’d have no idea who he voted for. It was Senator Obama. But Hitchens has some choice words about inflated expectations of the President-Elect which have been raised by a fawning media…
In view of the consideration that President-Elect Obama is giving to the reinstatement via Presidential Executive Order of the recently lifted ban on certain domestic oil drilling, let us go back a month or so to an editorial by Tom Ward of the Valley Breeze [no longer available on line] which raised an interesting point.…
If, indeed, the referenced law is being correctly interpreted and executed, it needs to change. Any information pertaining to the dispensation of tax dollars cannot be withheld from those who supply those dollars. The Carcieri administration is refusing to disclose the number of unused vacation and sick days it awarded recent state retirees who, in…
Early Voting/Multi-Day Voting – Oh, No And here is where the Secretary of State gets a little carried away. He announced this component October 21 on WPRO’s John DePetro Show (podcast no longer available). Citing thirty one other states who engage in some form of the practice, Part of our 2009 legislation package, we will…
Voter Identification – Yes The Secretary of State’s electoral initiative includes a requirement for all voters to show a picture identification when voting. On the one hand, it is good news, indeed, that this critical measure has been proposed by the Secretary of State. It stops cold not one but two significant election frauds: voting…
Marc’s two thorough analyses of straight party voting last Tuesday is a good cue to break the bad news that the legislative package to be introduced in January by Rhode Island’s Secretary of State – one of the guardians of our electoral process – does not include elimination of the straight party lever. (That does…
It is way too early to be playing Christmas music. Thank you. We now return you to your regularly scheduled program of slightly more substantive issues and discussions.