Attorney General
This tweet from Democrat Attorney General Peter Neronha is a little old, but I didn’t want to let it pass without comment in this space: The people who own property in the state have rights, too. Many, probably most, of them are “people of this great state.” The AG has to enforce the laws as…
John DePetro and Justin Katz dig into important developments that the RI mainstream doesn’t want to address.
John DePetro and Justin Katz watch as the insider machine becomes increasingly obvious.
Social media provide a strange, unprecedented venue for public interactions. On one hand, these platforms promise the degree of connectivity and access that has characterized the Internet from its early popularization. On the other hand, a bit of space between our raw personalities and our in-print public personas is healthy. So, what to make of…
John DePetro and Justin Katz review the political talk of the week.
Spin from Attorney General Peter Neronha, which local media picked up mostly without skepticism or even context, shows Rhode Islanders are defenseless against the activists’ storyline.
John DePetro and Justin Katz review ways in which the RI elite fail to represent the people.
John DePetro and Justin Katz discuss the costliness of Rhode Island government’s decisions.
John DePetro and Justin Katz examine the ways an excessive purview and incompetence leave Rhode Island politicians and bureaucrats vulnerable to scams and other bad decisions.
Whether or not one agrees with Attorney General Peter Neronha’s decision to block a major merger of Rhode Island hospital companies, the fact that it wasn’t really a typical Rhode Island decision-making process cannot be denied. From that fact we can learn an important lesson. Personal integrity probably played a role, of course, but one…