
Not So Hot? Not So Fast…

By Justin Katz | February 14, 2010 |

Before we all begin reacting… I don’t know… rationally to this sort of information let’s just take a deep breath and remind ourselves that there’s still time to undermine the global economy and cinch down on freedom, if we try. “The temperature records cannot be relied on as indicators of global change,” said John Christy,…

Training for Jobs That Will Never Come

By Justin Katz | February 10, 2010 |

A lot of people are pinning their hopes to the emergence of a “green economy,” but wishing won’t make it less of a fad: Although it offers general optimism about the green sector, the state plan does not say how large the industry could be in Rhode Island or how many jobs it could create.…

When “Consensus” Is a Weapon Word

By Justin Katz | February 6, 2010 |

A post-email-revelation tack being taken by global warming alarmists has been that we skeptics, as we’re called, have no qualifications to judge the science, and the scientific controversies that have filtered out to our ignorant outskirts are really just minor complaints against a vast body of knowledge all pointing to the truth of the alarmists’…

Economic Strain for Nothing

By Justin Katz | February 2, 2010 |

OK. Let’s pretend that we believe the prognostications of a handful of people who claim that their findings ought to incite transfers of billions of dollars in wealth and change the political and economic structure of the planet. Even with that suspension of disbelief: Goals on reducing greenhouse gases announced by major industrialized nations are…

And Then Fell the Rainforest Claim…

By Justin Katz | January 31, 2010 |

Boy, when people finally start looking into the claims of climate alarmists, dominoes start to fall: A STARTLING report by the United Nations climate watchdog that global warming might wipe out 40% of the Amazon rainforest was based on an unsubstantiated claim by green campaigners who had little scientific expertise. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate…

Global Warming: Not Nearly as Warm as It Should Be

By Monique Chartier | January 31, 2010 |

Under my post “Stop the Check…”, commenter David says Only a moron could fail to recognize that the earth is warming. Sure, the planet is warming. Most people don’t deny that fact. The problem for AGW scientists and advocates – in addition to the minisculity of man’s role in the generation of greenhouse gases –…

Hurry to Pass Big Stuff Now and We’ll Fix it Later (Promise!)

By Marc Comtois | January 26, 2010 |

As I’ve pointed out, one of the arguments made by the Healthcarism advocates was that we must pass something, anything and “the warts can be removed later.” Apparently, that attitude exists amongst global climate changistas, too (h/t): Some researchers have argued that it is unfair to attack the IPCC too strongly, pointing out that some…

Stop the Check: Grant Applications Cited Bogus Glacier Melt

By Monique Chartier | January 24, 2010 |

On Wednesday came the revelation that the UN IPCC – the United Nation’s global warming panel – had grossly exaggerated the rate at which the Himalayan glaciers will melt. (They had said it would melt in decades; the correct estimate of “centuries” is probably inadequate in light of the cooling trend that even AGW advocates…

Protestations to ProJo Pronouncements

By Marc Comtois | January 24, 2010 |

1) The ProJo editors on global warming: Still, that a few scientists are accused of manipulating a bit of data from some climate research does not do away with the preponderance of evidence. The latest controversy revolves around the validity of the collection and use of data behind a U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change…

Modeling for Political Gain

By Justin Katz | January 4, 2010 |

Christopher Horner’s wry observation concerning policies that rely on result modeling suggests a valuable perspective adjustment on a variety of issues, especially when it comes to the environment and the economy: You may have seen the Washington Times’ lead story reporting that, when Obama’s Department of Agriculture computer model assessments of cap-and-trade’s impact revealed that…