
Congressman Langevin’s Town Hall Has Changed Venue

By Carroll Andrew Morse | August 18, 2009 |

Congressman James Langevin has changed the location of his town-hall meeting with constituents this week. It will be held at Warwick City Hall at same time as originally scheduled, 6 to 7 pm on Wednesday, August 19.

The Casual Assumption of Correctitude

By Justin Katz | August 17, 2009 |

There are surely practitioners of the stratagem on both political wings, and it’s the sort of ploy into which one can slip from time to time, but it seems to me that it is much more characteristic of liberals to weave rhetorical comforters that allow them to slip opinions through as objective fact. This, from…

The Road Not Mentioned

By Justin Katz | August 17, 2009 |

The scoffs that have been so prevalent in response to right-wing talk of “death panels” and such repeat a common liberal tactic of missing the point through deliberate myopia: “Why, this bill merely provides for consultations about end-of-life options, hardly a group of bureaucrats voting to pull the plug. As for rationing, show me one…

Status of the Public Option

By Carroll Andrew Morse | August 16, 2009 |

At the time of this posting, the Drudge Report is displaying a big red headline that reads…RETREAT: TEAM OBAMA DROPS ‘PUBLIC OPTION’…which links to an Associated Press story that opens by saying…President Barack Obama’s administration signaled on Sunday it is ready to abandon the idea of giving Americans the option of government-run health insurance as…

Before Voting on a 1,000-Page Bill, Shouldn’t We Understand the Problem We’re Trying to Fix?

By Carroll Andrew Morse | August 14, 2009 |

In his defense of a Canadian-style single payer system for health insurance appearing in today’s Projo, Dr. Michael M. Rachlis either makes a case that President Barack Obama is badly misguided in his belief that government has to get more heavily involved with medical decision-making as a part of healthcare reform, or else he calls…

Whitehouse Responds About Reading

By Justin Katz | August 14, 2009 |

Senator Sheldon Whitehouse’s office has sent a response to my inquiry as to the senator’s knowledge of the complexities of the healthcare bill: Thank you for your interest in the important work of reforming our health care system. As a temporary member of the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee over the last several months,…

Challenging Those Fishy Healthcare Claims

By Carroll Andrew Morse | August 12, 2009 |

So far, the best e-mail sent to the White House tip line on health care discussions has got to be former National Economic Council Director Keith Hennessey‘s…I call to your attention several fishy statements about health care reform legislation made by a gentleman named Dr. Douglas Elmendorf. He claims to be Director of the “Congressional…

Facing the Healthcare Committee

By Justin Katz | August 12, 2009 |

Sure, it would take a few stolen bases to present the thought in the form of an argument, but watching the Tiverton School Committee stand firm against requests from parents for permission to move their children out-of-district to be better served (they believe) elsewhere, I couldn’t help but flash forward to some similar plea within…

Unions Sowing Fear in the Streets

By Justin Katz | August 11, 2009 |

As a follow-up on the subject of organized labor stoking civil violence, it turns out that one of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) members who crossed into physical violence in St. Louis wasn’t just a overexcited layman: Elston K. McCowan is a former organizer – now the Public Service Director of SEIU Local 2000…

Healthcare Makes for a Dog’s Life

By Justin Katz | August 10, 2009 |

The ever-worth-reading Theodore Dalrymple, himself a doctor, compares international — and inter-species — healthcare programs and comes to some insightful conclusions, including this one: Across the Channel, there is very little that can be said in favor of a health system which is the most ideologically egalitarian in the western world. It supposedly allots health…