
Jeopardy in a nightmare

Politics This Week: RI in Jeopardy

By Justin Katz | November 26, 2024 |

John DePetro and Justin Katz address the question insiders don’t seem to ask.

Revenue-Driven Quota, or Union Stranglehold Workaround?

By Justin Katz | April 19, 2009 |

A busy week moved this Hopkinton tidbit to the bottom of the pile, but the multiple angles make it of broader interest: If you drive through Hopkinton, keep this in mind: The officers you see are each required to write 20 traffic tickets per month, “more or less,” under a new Police Department policy. Excuses,…

Chariho District Votes Today

By Carroll Andrew Morse | April 7, 2009 |

Charlestown, Richmond and Hopkinton are holding a referendum today on the school budget for Chariho District. From Andrew Martin of the Chariho Times… Voters will have the final say all-day April 7 on the proposed $53.3 million Chariho Regional School District budget for fiscal year 2009-10. The budget represents a small increase over the current…

Chariho Fiefdom Temporarily Suspended

By Justin Katz | January 3, 2009 |

Apparently powerful players on local school committees can’t just subvert the will of voters without providing the public any warning that they intend to do so: Superior Court Judge O. Rogeriee Thompson has ordered the Chariho Regional School Committee to reinstate William Felkner until it properly votes on whether to allow him to serve on…