John DePetro and Justin Katz address the question insiders don’t seem to ask.
A busy week moved this Hopkinton tidbit to the bottom of the pile, but the multiple angles make it of broader interest: If you drive through Hopkinton, keep this in mind: The officers you see are each required to write 20 traffic tickets per month, “more or less,” under a new Police Department policy. Excuses,…
Charlestown, Richmond and Hopkinton are holding a referendum today on the school budget for Chariho District. From Andrew Martin of the Chariho Times… Voters will have the final say all-day April 7 on the proposed $53.3 million Chariho Regional School District budget for fiscal year 2009-10. The budget represents a small increase over the current…
Apparently powerful players on local school committees can’t just subvert the will of voters without providing the public any warning that they intend to do so: Superior Court Judge O. Rogeriee Thompson has ordered the Chariho Regional School Committee to reinstate William Felkner until it properly votes on whether to allow him to serve on…