National Politics

A water drop and ripples

Here’s a partial standard for judging “they’ll end democracy” claims.

By Justin Katz | August 24, 2024 |

Whether you think Mark Smith’s reasoning here is dead-on, insane, or somewhere in between, an element is important to consider: Namely, he’s not just stating dislike and projecting an action, á la “Trump will end democracy.”  He’s offering actual policy steps by which Democrats could achieve that end. The same can’t be done in reverse…

Giovanni Bellini Four Allegories: Falsehood

From J6 to the Democrat convention, we’re entering a golden age of propaganda in America.

By Justin Katz | August 23, 2024 |

The past week has brought us a startling display of dishonesty from the Democrat Party.  Politicians with multiple mansions talked about not letting people take more than they need.  The Party’s stated policies, not to mention its level of respect for people who are not its supporters, are nearly inverted from what they’ve actually done…

Two boys walk through a surreal circus

Politics This Week: In Search of Themes

By Justin Katz | August 19, 2024 |

John DePetro and Justin Katz decipher the themes of state and national politics.

A water drop and ripples

Faced with the feeling of political chaos, there are two basic frames.

By Justin Katz | August 19, 2024 |

Perusing Twitter or X (which I may henceforth call “TwiX”) often leaves me feeling panic at the state of our world and the hopelessness of recovering humanity’s footing. No doubt, this is at least partially the way it feels to have your attention manipulated, but stepping back, even that reality is just another contributor to…

Depicting Aaron Regunberg's fantasy of Harris and Walz as cop-parents at the door

Politics This Week: Progressive Parent Figures

By Justin Katz | August 14, 2024 |

John DePetro and Justin Katz review the political talk of the week in Rhode Island and nationally.

A water drop and ripples

Be careful about the daily proclamations about Trump’s strategy.

By Justin Katz | August 6, 2024 |

I came across a quotation from Nassim Taleb’s book, Antifragile, suggesting that the more immediate your focus (e.g., hourly versus annually), the greater the noise-to-signal ratio.  That is, the effects from moment to moment are more likely to result from random or unrelated factors, while longer-term trends are more likely to reflect genuine changes.  The advice…

Elites stand on a people pyramid

Politics This Week: Who RI Works For

By Justin Katz | August 5, 2024 |

John DePetro and Justin Katz talk about who benefits (and who doesn’t) from recent items in the news.

A water drop and ripples

We need to get back to a society of mutual respect…

By Justin Katz | July 29, 2024 |

… but it’ll require a turn away from progressives’ insistence that everything must be politics.  This clip of Eric Weinstein and Nicole Shanahan discussing the “mind control at scale” we’re seeing at the national level is worth the four minutes of your time. It’s not only that our system has been coopted by the gaslighters,…

A circle of people exchanges cash secretly

Politics This Week: The Favor Exchange in Dem RI

By Justin Katz | July 29, 2024 |

John DePetro and Justin Katz review recent political talk in Rhode Island.

A water drop and ripples

The spin machine’s growth in audacity is becoming exponential.

By Justin Katz | July 26, 2024 |

It’s amazing how quickly things are moving.  Watching the news media conspire with the Democrat Party literally to deny facts about Kamala Harris and disappear them from the Internet makes Martin Gurri’s two-week-old musings on the Joe Biden coverup look tame: With Biden, the establishment was presented with a difficult challenge: It was reality itself…