National Politics

A Nation Divided

By Marc Comtois | November 18, 2012 |

Two Americas? The idea is nothing new. We learn that almost 23% of Americans are open to the idea of seceding given the recent election results. And we’ve heard reports that 37 Chicago precincts, 59 Philadelphia precincts and multiple others in urban areas gave President Obama 99% support–some with 0 votes for Romney.* Mark Hendrickson…


By Marc Comtois | November 6, 2012 |

So today is the day. Big election. The fate of thousands of politicians is in our hands. And our own too. No matter what the result, life will go on, albeit with sunnier or cloudier skies depending on your outlook. It’s unfortunate that who we elect for President (or for any office) is as important…

Democrats Try to Put Fighter Pilot Back in the Kitchen

By Marc Comtois | October 13, 2012 |

Rhode Island native Martha McSally is running as a Republican for the 2nd Congressional District in Arizona. Her opponent is Ron Barber, winner of a special election in April and former aid to Gabby Giffords. Nancy Pelosi’s Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee is running this ad against McSally: McSally thinks the ad’s portrayal of her is…

RI Governor Gives Nation a Preview of Obama’s Public Welfare Project

By Justin Katz | October 9, 2012 |

People across the United States should consider Rhode Island as a canary in the ObamaCare coal mine, whistling the tune of the President’s larger public welfare project. When he spoke on the first night of the Democratic National Convention, RI’s Lincoln Chafee introduced himself as “the nation’s only independent governor.” That’s “independent” as in belonging…

Employment: October Surprise or October Miracle?

By Justin Katz | October 5, 2012 |

A lot of people who watch policy and politics relatively closely were very surprised, this morning, to hear that the unemployment rate had fallen to its lowest level during the Obama presidency — a level last seen in January 2009.  As James Pethokoukis notes, of the seasonally adjusted 873,000 jump in employment from August to…

Warren: Ethical Controversy for Another New England Democrat Candidate

By Justin Katz | September 29, 2012 |

Retired Providence Journal political columnist M. Charles Bakst has offered, via Ted Nesi’s Saturday column, a cute analysis of how both Scott Brown and Elizabeth Warren could wind up in the U.S. Senate next session. While RI’s mainstream press ponders hypotheticals about the Senate race next door, Rhode Island blogger and Cornell law professor William…

Things We Read Today (13), Tuesday

By Justin Katz | September 18, 2012 |

Days off from retirement in Cranston; the conspiracy of low interest rates; sympathy with the Satanic Verses; the gas mandate; and the weaponized media. Continue reading on the Ocean State Current…

Things We Read Today, 9

By Justin Katz | September 12, 2012 |

No deep theme, today, but bad British commentary, union priorities, stimulus as wishlist, the fame of Dinesh, and a response to Dan Yorke’s Congressional District 1 analysis.

Things We Read Today, 8

By Justin Katz | September 11, 2012 |

Today: September 11, global change, evolution, economics, 17th amendment, gold standard, and a boughten electorate… all to a purpose.

Things We Read Today This Weekend, 6

By Justin Katz | September 9, 2012 |

First, scroll down and read Monique’s postings on Rep. Spencer Dickinson. Then… The topics of hope and hopelessness pervaded this weekend’s readings, from absurd labor rules in schools, to the likely outcome of Make It Happen, to Spencer Dickinson’s insider view, and then to Sandra Fluke.