National Politics
This AP article, from the pre-budget-ceiling-deal days, does nothing so well as emphasize the instability on which big-government advocates would have our entire society rest. Its main point is that the states are not well prepared to absorb cuts in the aid that the federal government sends them each year. “We have the potential for…
Andrew Malcolm: Barack Obama’s weakness is thinking he can talk his way in or out of virtually any opportunity or difficulty. Being a Real Good Talker helped him get the job heading the law review. And entering politics. And succeeding early there, albeit within Chicago’s rigged system. And being an RGT thrust him onto the…
$2,200/month, to be more specific. As Jon Stewart asks , How do you collect rent from the guy you depend on to save your life? “Hey guys, it’s August 1. Where’s the rent??” “Oh, oh, I’m sorry. I must have left my checkbook in my other bullet-proof vest.” The Daily Show – Landlord Joe BidenGet…
Byron York has a piece about how Obama supporters, Democrats, etc. take it as an article of faith that all of our economic woes are due to “the past 8 years” (ie; under President Bush). He provides some numbers from the OMB to refute that charge. In an attempt to provide a picture of what…
One would think that members of an editorial staff would offer each other the service of gently warning their coworkers when they near the deep end. Or perhaps Froma Harrop is firmly convinced of the approaching death of newspapers and is effectively auditioning for a part in the far-left blind heat machine. Granted, her tirade…
Yesterday, I gave some thought to shifts in government policy and in American culture that may ultimately be behind our economy’s failure to recover satisfactorily. Much like the productive people who have been leaving Rhode Island because they’ve assessed that the opposition to needed reforms is simply too powerful, many Americans know what must be…
Michael Walsh characterizes President Obama’s leadership style as “the permanent insurgency”: Do nothing, lie in wait, and then counter-attack. Never present a plan if you can possibly help it, but deal exclusively in bromides and platitudes as you stake out the moral “high ground” and get ready to ambush the other guy. Think of it…
Michelle Malkin’s opening paragraph about Congressman Wu’s announcement yesterday made posting her column irresistible. Wu-hoo! Welcome to another freaky ethics fiasco brought to you by the D.C. den of dysfunctional Democrats. This one comes clothed in a Tigger costume, wrapped in blinders and bathed in the fetid Beltway odor of eau de Pass le Buck.…
It would appear that the U.S. Senate is in need of some major upsets, the next election cycle: The plan, released this week by the bipartisan “Gang of Six” senators, punts on many of the most difficult issues, leaving it to congressional committees to fill in the details later. But supporters say it provides a…