National Politics

Hitchens Splendidly Rips Apart the President’s “Enemies” Remark

By Monique Chartier | November 13, 2010 |

… twelve days ago in Slate. Keep in mind that this dissection is carried out by a supporter of President Barack Obama. Christopher Hitchens voted for the president and, elsewhere in this article, states his readiness to defend the president and his policies during the campaign. (Hitchens points out that he was pre-empted from doing…

Where the Jobs Are

By Marc Comtois | November 12, 2010 |

First, according to USA Today: The number of federal workers earning $150,000 or more a year has soared tenfold in the past five years and doubled since President Obama took office…Federal workers earning $150,000 or more make up 3.9% of the workforce, up from 0.4% in 2005….Since 2000, federal pay and benefits have increased 3%…

What a difference: Chafee versus Christie

By Donald B. Hawthorne | November 10, 2010 |

RI governor-elect Chafee. NJ governor Christie. Night and day. Prepare yourself for the next generation of Kremlin-style lies from the RI NEA and recall how Anchor Rising publicly destroyed their lies several years ago in East Greenwich – here and here. ADDENDUM #1: More Christie here, here, here, and here. You just have to watch…

Letting People Help Themselves, and Each Other

By Justin Katz | November 10, 2010 |

The line that I’ve italicized from an article by John Miller that profiled then-Senate-candidate Marco Rubio in an October issue of National Review helps to explain why Rubio won, and why conservatives are so excited about it: Rubio’s favorite subject is American exceptionalism. It’s at the heart of virtually everything he says, whether he’s addressing…

Winning Without Winning

By Justin Katz | November 9, 2010 |

Jeffrey Anderson offers some context for the Senate election results: In the midst of a resounding national rebuke at all levels of government, the Democrats have been taking some solace in having held the Senate. But to put the Republicans’ Senate gains this week into perspective, Republicans won an even higher percentage of Senate races…


By Donald B. Hawthorne | November 8, 2010 |

Glenn Reynolds writes: With the election over, Republicans are arguing about whether they should address Democrats via compromise, or confrontation. Both have their places, but I have a different suggestion. Clarity. With the deficit and the debt ballooning, with the economy remaining in the tank, and with tough choices on the horizon, what Americans need…

Reflections on the nature of free markets, different ways of being pro-business, liberty and the attributes of a healthy democracy

By Donald B. Hawthorne | November 7, 2010 |

2+ minutes of pithy comments by Milton Friedman on greed, enlightened self-interest, and how societies and free markets work. A succinct summary on the two meanings of being pro-business from Don Boudreaux, who writes for the Café Hayek blog and is a professor of economics at George Mason University: There are two ways for a…

What Will the President Do?

By Justin Katz | November 4, 2010 |

The biggest political question on the table is how President Obama will react to the Republican’s gains, this election. Victor Davis Hanson notes that Obama’s post-election speech didn’t indicate that he understands the message that the American people are trying to send to him. But here’s the interesting paragraph from Hanson’s post: Had not some…

11:30 p.m. U.S. Senate and House Tugs of War

By Justin Katz | November 2, 2010 |

Taking Fox News’s online balance a step farther, I’ve thrown together these simple graphics: U.S. Senate U.S. House

10:15 p.m. U.S. Senate and House Tugs of War

By Justin Katz | November 2, 2010 |

Taking Fox News’s online balance a step farther, I’ve thrown together these simple graphics: U.S. Senate U.S. House