National Politics
One of the unanticipated benefits of leaving Rhode Island is that I moved into Barney Frank’s congressional district. Which means I get to vote for his opponent, Sean Bielat. Just in case you needed some reminders about Mr. Frank’s legacies: Jeff Jacoby Russ Roberts Thomas Sowell Thomas Sowell Larry Kudlow Larry Kudlow Washington Times Sheldon…
This post–“An Open Letter to Rush Limbaugh“–from “Hillbuzz”, a pro-Hillary Clinton blog, is starting to get some play. The writer, Kevin DuJan, explains that, while a lot of Hillary Clinton supporters hold a grudge over the 2008 Democratic Party nomination process, that isn’t the only reason that they are intent on getting back at Obama…
Kevin Williamson thinks that President Obama’s proposed infrastructure bank is essentially the White House’s play to get in on the corrupt Congressional practice of earmarking (subscription required). The article’s worth a read, but this tangential paragraph is what caught my eye: Even though the extraordinarily productive service sectors of the U.S. economy create a lot…
Of course, the entertainment value of the semi-controlled motor mouth of the current VP [top ten Biden gaffes available here] is not to be underestimated. This is undoubtedly why, on more than one occasion during the last couple of years, either voluntarily or at someone’s quiet request, he appears to have gone missing. But to…
As of Monday’s edition, the Providence Journal had still not deigned to mention Congressional testimony about racial bias in Obama’s Department of Justice. Indeed, yesterday’s paper revisited the apparently more-important testimony of comedian Stephen Colbert that migrant farm workers do work that a Hollywood celebrity might find arduous. Curiously, as well, Sunday’s paper featured an…
Are you pleased at the sight of Sarah Palin edging towards the ring, hat in hand? No? Then who would you prefer? Choose from the fairly comprehensive list of candidates offered at the Values Voter Summit straw poll this weekend Michele Bachmann | Jan Brewer | Chris Christie | Mitch Daniels | Jim DeMint |…
Not to bring Charles Krauthammer back into the negative spotlight, but there’s a key consideration that he’s left out of his assessment of the GOP’s primary races: Now, we are in a cycle where we have seen that this is not a normal Democratic administration. It’s highly ideological. It’s instituted changes over the last 18…
Here’s an interesting video about a new work of art by Jon McNaughton (via Michelle Malkin): McNaughton’s Web site has an online version of the painting that shows closeups and offers clickable summaries for each president (and other components of the painting).
David S left a comment to a recent post by Marc that indicates a lack of subtleties in his view of the political order: – the silent majority-? Marc, where were the silent ones during the last election? The election that was this country’s last real political referendum. Were the silent majority unable to rouse…
A lot has been said about the August 28th rally on the Mall last weekend. As a non-Beck guy (not anti- just agnostic) and having a lot to do last weekend, I frankly didn’t pay too much attention to the event and the aftermath. Now that I’ve caught up a bit, I think Rich Lowry…