National Politics

Obama in Two Acts… or Not

By Justin Katz | July 20, 2010 |

Anchor Rising readers who share my reading habits have surely come across Charles Krauthammer’s warning to opponents of President Obama not to underestimate him: The net effect of 18 months of Obamaism will be to undo much of Reaganism. Both presidencies were highly ideological, grandly ambitious, and often underappreciated by their own side. In his…

The Nation’s Boom Town

By Marc Comtois | July 19, 2010 |

In his post earlier today, Justin wondered if there was a link between the Washington, D.C. suburbs’ educational success and talk of a ruling class that I brought up yesterday. Heh, well… America is struggling with a sputtering economy and high unemployment — but times are booming for Washington’s governing class. The massive expansion of…

Taking on the Ruling Class

By Marc Comtois | July 18, 2010 |

Glenn Reynolds and his readers are commenting on Angelo Codevilla’s piece about the “Ruling Class“. Who are they? Today’s ruling class, from Boston to San Diego, was formed by an educational system that exposed them to the same ideas and gave them remarkably uniform guidance, as well as tastes and habits. These amount to a…

Silence About the All-Important Felon Vote

By Justin Katz | July 17, 2010 |

If you get your news from a mainstream media source, you might not have heard — as Dan Gifford notes — about the apparent likelihood that Senator Al Franken (D., MN) was elected based on the illegal votes of felons: A conservative watchdog group Minnesota Majority has gone through voting records reportedly finding that at…

A Juxtaposition of Eras

By Justin Katz | July 16, 2010 |

You probably won’t get through a bag of popcorn during this Friday night film — indeed, you could almost watch the whole thing while your popcorn pops — but Andrew Klavan’s humorous and cutting comparison of the dark days of the Bush Era with Obama’s Recovery Summer is worth a watch:

The Question Is Whether It’s Curable

By Justin Katz | July 16, 2010 |

You may have come across the commentary that the co-chairmen of a debt and deficit commission initiated by the president offered to the National Governor’s Association: The commission leaders said that, at present, federal revenue is fully consumed by three programs: Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. “The rest of the federal government, including fighting two…

So the New-and-Now-Defunct Non-Space Goals for NASA Were Just a Trial Balloon?

By Monique Chartier | July 13, 2010 |

Well, at least that would be sort of related to space, unlike the goals themselves, which have apparently been … withdrawn. [NASA Administrator Charles] Bolden caused a global stir last week when he said President Obama had asked him to reach out to Muslim leaders on science issues. He made the comments during an interview…

Planning Their Moves for After the People Speak

By Justin Katz | July 10, 2010 |

Don’t miss John Fund’s widely cited premonition that President Obama and the Congressional Democrats are planning implementation of a last-minute wish list after the election: It’s been almost 30 years since anything remotely contentious was handled in a lame-duck session, but that doesn’t faze Democrats who have jammed through ObamaCare and are determined to bring…

Steele’s Afghanistan Hackery

By Marc Comtois | July 2, 2010 |

Look, I know that for the first time in eons, a GOP chair visited the state and threw the RI GOP some red meat and there was much rejoicing. But it looks like he’s engaging in some purely disingenuous political hackery here: Keep in mind again, federal candidates, this was a war of Obama’s choosing.…

UPDATED: The Bill Will Come Due

By Justin Katz | July 1, 2010 |

Kevin Williamson has totaled America’s public debt, and his essay makes for scary reading: So that’s $14 trillion in federal debt and $2.5 trillion in state-and-local debt: $16.5 trillion. But I’ve got some bad news for you, Sunshine: We haven’t even hit all the big-ticket items. … … “Half the states’ pension funds could run…