National Politics

The Future That the Speaker Saw

By Justin Katz | July 12, 2009 |

Put aside that it was pure fundraising pabulum; it’s a pity that Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi probably doesn’t know just how right she was: “When I return to Washington, D.C.,” Pelosi said, “I’ll tell them that I’ve been to Rhode Island and I’ve seen the future.” What she was talking about hardly matters.…

Because I Know Who’ll Chuckle and Who’ll Fume

By Justin Katz | July 7, 2009 |

David Kahane lets us in on a little secret: I don’t know why I’m telling you this, but maybe now you’re beginning to understand the high-stakes game we’re playing here. This ain’t John McCain’s logrolling senatorial club any more. This is a deadly serious attempt to realize the vision of the 1960s and to fundamentally…

A Bipartisan Thorn

By Justin Katz | July 3, 2009 |

It’s encouraging to see that figures most often noted for their irascibility against right-leaning politicians can find fault with the other side: Following a testy exchange during today’s briefing with White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs, veteran White House correspondent Helen Thomas told that not even Richard Nixon tried to control the press the…

… So Calling a Female General “Ma’am” Would Be Disrespectful?

By Monique Chartier | June 18, 2009 |

In a hearing room, Tuesday, on Capitol Hill. Brig. Gen. Michael Walsh, with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, was testifying on the Louisiana coastal restoration process in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. He began to answer one of Boxer’s questions with “ma’am” when Boxer immediately cut him off. “You know, do me a favor,”…

House Defeats Nat’l Popular Vote Scheme

By Marc Comtois | June 18, 2009 |

Via ProJo: In a sharp reversal from last year, the House has voted down a proposal aimed at changing the way that the president and vice president of the United States are elected. On Thursday afternoon, lawmakers defeated a measure that would have allowed Rhode Island to join in a compact with other states that…

A Prescription for Me Time

By Justin Katz | June 12, 2009 |

That’s being a Congressman, for ya. Patrick Kennedy hopes to get back to work from a mental health retreat “in time for the… debate on a national health-care overhaul later in the summer.” Presumably, he needn’t expend any hope on whether the checks from his $174,000 salary will keep arriving, whether or not he manages…

What the Unions are For

By Justin Katz | June 10, 2009 |

The possibility of payback in such forms as the following will be the continuing story: That news comes courtesy of federal disclosure forms that unions file each year with the Department of Labor. The Bush Administration toughened the enforcement of those disclosure rules, but under pressure from unions the Obama Labor shop is slashing funding…

An Interesting Convergence of Issues

By Justin Katz | June 5, 2009 |

This story confounds categorization: Eastern District of Michigan judge Lawrence P. Zatkoff handed down the decision, in a case involving an alleged violation of the constitutional separation of church and state. The issue is whether a government-owned company, AIG, can market sharia-compliant insurance products. (To be sharia-compliant, an investment vehicle must be created and structured…

Attorney General Holder, Chiquita Banana and Death Squads

By Monique Chartier | June 4, 2009 |

This is the improbable combination suggested by commenter Joe Bernstein under Justin’s post. But sure enough … Do not expect these recommendations to be carried forward if Eric Holder decides to forgo his lucrative corporate law practice at Covington & Burling and accept the U.S. Attorney General position for which many believe he is the…

Pelosi: Approval Numbers in the Range of the Revolting Newt?

By Monique Chartier | May 20, 2009 |

Egad. Nearly half of all Americans — 48 percent — disapprove of how the California Democrat she is handling her job as Speaker of the House in a CNN/Opinion Research Corporation poll released Monday, while 39 percent approve of her performance. * * * That puts her approval rating at roughly the levels Newt Gingrich…