National Politics

RI Delegation on Terry Schiavo

By Carroll Andrew Morse | March 21, 2005 |

Congressman James Langevin voted in favor of allowing the federal court system to decide if Terri Schiavo should be allowed to continue receiving “food, fluids, or medical treatment necessary to sustain her life.” Congressman Patrick Kennedy voted against against the measure, in effect voting to deny Ms. Schiavo “food, fluids, or medical treatment necessary to…

Saving Terri Is Your First Amendment Right

By Justin Katz | March 18, 2005 | Comments Off on Saving Terri Is Your First Amendment Right

Over on Dust in the Light I’ve explained that Terri Schiavo’s life has become a legitimate matter of interest for millions of Americans, and that it is our First Amendment right to demand that Congress do everything in its power to answer our grievance. Every court case does not get an appeal to Congress, but…

Coerced Charity vs. Voluntary Charity

By Donald B. Hawthorne | March 16, 2005 |

Warren Beatty has suggested that Governor Schwarzenegger raise taxes on the rich: Schwarzenegger should raise taxes on the California rich and “terminate” his fund-raising and dinners with “the brokers of Wall Street” and the “lobbyists of K Street,” Beatty said… Beatty said Schwarzenegger should lead the rich toward helping California. “It’s called the haves giving…

Freedom, Hard Work & Quality Education: Making The American Dream Possible For ALL Americans

By | March 13, 2005 |

My family had the privilege of visiting The Statute of Liberty in August 2004 on only the 23rd day after it had re-opened for the first time since September 11, 2001. It was there that we saw first-hand the poem penned by Emma Lazarus and etched on the pedestal of the statute, which includes these…

Victor Davis Hanson on Today’s America

By | March 8, 2005 | Comments Off on Victor Davis Hanson on Today’s America

The March 14, 2005 edition of the Weekly Standard includes an article entitled “The Sage of Fresno: Victor Davis Hanson, down on the farm.” Here is an excerpt: Hanson places much of the blame for this decay on America’s elites, who he says have fostered a cult of post-modernism, identity politics, and affirmative action –…

A Moment of Dead Silence

By Justin Katz | March 3, 2005 |

As a subjective guide to Don’s previous post, laying out facts and considerations in the case of Terri Schiavo, I offer the following anecdote from Fr. Rob Johansen, which I found via Lane Core: In the course of our conversation, [a well-respected neurologist] made reference to the standard use of MRI and PET scans to…

Prejudicial Views on Social Security

By Justin Katz | February 28, 2005 |

Seeing that I’m among the younger set that supports President Bush’s Social Security plan, I take umbrage at Froma Harrop’s condescention: The folks are going to stop the kids from doing something stupid. Many have known world war and a great depression. They saw the pitiful old people that Social Security lifted from the gutter.…

An Alternate Reality for Social Security

By Justin Katz | February 23, 2005 |

Perhaps its cause is an irrepressible idealism on my part, but I still find myself stunned and disheartened by the stooped-to depths of political dishonesty. In this one sentence, Rep. Patrick Kennedy appeals to a completely alternate reality to score political points among people whom he assumes to be uninformed and/or stupid: Since the president…

What If This Was Our Daughter or Sister or Wife? What If It Was “Only” A Stranger’s Life?

By | February 22, 2005 |

My wife heard last night the sad and horrible news of the death of one of her dearest friend’s daughter. We grieve for that wonderful family, whose kindness to others – including my wife – has never known any limits. Having been fortunate enough to be present at the birth of our three children, I…

Media Bias – or Just Incompetence?

By | February 3, 2005 |

During his State of the Union speech, President Bush introduced an Iraqi citizen with these words: One of Iraq’s leading democracy and human rights advocates is Safia Taleb al-Suhail. She says of her country, “we were occupied for 35 years by Saddam Hussein. That was the real occupation. Thank you to the American people who…