On a Lighter Note…

So What Shall We Call The Proposed State Bank?

By Monique Chartier | April 9, 2013 |

That is correct; Kim Kalunian at WPRO reports that a bill … submitted by Rep. Charlene Lima (D-Cranston) would create a Rhode Island state bank. The bill would establish a Rhode Island state bank to “protect the financial welfare and economic vitality of the citizens” and create jobs. The state bank would have the same…

Sarah Palin Flouts The Nanny

By Monique Chartier | March 17, 2013 |

A friend remarked yesterday that Sarah Palin made some great points in her CPAC speech. Undoubtedly. But this was my favorite moment. (Apologies for the preceding ad.) Click here for audience reaction in a double screen shot. Click here for an explanation which, of course, stars New York City’s power-mad mayor. And a great rebuttal,…

Rhode Island Rules the Universe!

By Marc Comtois | December 20, 2012 |

Cranston’s Olivia Culpo is Miss Universe!

Mitt Romney at the Al Smith Dinner

By Monique Chartier | October 20, 2012 |

Video below. Transcript, courtesy the Chicago Sun Times, here. Background of the Al Smith Dinner. One of my favorite lines from Governor Romney’s remarks: I was actually hoping the president would bring Joe Biden along this evening, because he’ll laugh at anything.

GarbagemanGate Prematurely Terminated By Pesky Facts

By Monique Chartier | October 2, 2012 |

“Pathetic” and “weak” would be good adjectives for this anti-Romney ad put out by AFSME. The ad opens this way: “My name is Richard Hayes, and I pick up Mitt Romney’s trash. We’re kind of like the invisible people. He doesn’t realize that the service we provide – if it wasn’t for us, it would…

Charlie Hall Suggests a Third Alternative for the CD-1 Primary

By Monique Chartier | September 21, 2012 |

Apologies that this is a little late … Courtesy Ocean State Follies and Rhode Island 101

The Parent Rap

By Marc Comtois | September 21, 2012 |

Let’s lighten things up a bit…. The best part is they are totally believable as a couple and family, in all their dorkiness. Well done.


By Marc Comtois | September 6, 2012 |

It’s OK, you can break up with him.

Seen Last Night at the Democrat National Convention

By Marc Comtois | September 6, 2012 |

(H/t Helen Glover for the idea).

Re: Not The Most Qualified Pick for Vice-President – More Biden Gems

By Monique Chartier | August 16, 2012 |

Further to Patrick’s post, I cannot resist re-posting what has become one of my favorite political videos, prepared and released earlier this year by the Hinckley for Senate campaign.