Rhode Island Politics

What “Moderate” Means…

By Justin Katz | November 1, 2008 |

… would seem to be precisely what skeptics thought it meant when Ken Block launched his party of that name about a year ago — namely, susceptible to pressure and manipulation. At the time, Block wrote an Engaged Citizen post in which he declared: All ridiculous culture war issues aside, the time is right now…

Debate: Second Congressional District Race

By Monique Chartier | October 31, 2008 |

Mark Zaccaria (R) and Congressman James Langevin (D) square off this afternoon at 4:00 on WPRO‘s Dan Yorke Show.

A Reformist Quip in the Air

By Justin Katz | October 29, 2008 |

I’ve been saving this line for future use, but District 17 candidate for the RI Senate, Edward O’Neill, beat me to it in his race against Joseph Montalbano: O’Neill acknowledges that his campaign is centered on his opponent. “He’s running on his record; I say, I’m running on his record,” O’Neill said. For his part,…

Transportation Bond: Let Them “Scramble”

By Marc Comtois | October 29, 2008 |

The Governor was out pushing the $87.2 million transportation bond yesterday. I understand the pragmatic reasons–especially in a tight budget year–but the fiscal irresponsibility of taking on 30 years of debt to fund a portion of what should be a regular budget item has to stop. Gov. Donald L. Carcieri and R.I. Department of Transportation…

Can RI Do Better Than Just Hoping for Change?

By Carroll Andrew Morse | October 29, 2008 |

In a South County Independent op-ed, State Representative candidate Jim Haldeman (District 35, South Kingstown) asks how trusting the political leadership that has brought Rhode Island to the brink of economic disaster is a strategy that makes any sort of sense…The incumbent General Assembly members in the [South Kingstown Town Council Candidates Forum] a few…

Already Weakening the Rhetoric

By Justin Katz | October 29, 2008 |

I preferred David Anderson’s press release to this concession, made even before he’s won office: … David Anderson, the Republican challenging House Majority Leader Gordon Fox, in Providence, said he would consider higher income and sales taxes if that is what was required to reduce local property taxes, and shift more of the responsibility for…

Making It Through to the Wallop

By Justin Katz | October 27, 2008 |

Well, RI General Treasurer Frank Caprio sold his $350 million in bonds today: General Treasurer Frank Caprio announced today that the State of Rhode Island raised $350M from the sale of Tax Anticipation Notes (TANs). Just over $25M was sold directly to Rhode Islanders. In a rare retail push of TANS, Bank of America and…

The Final Week (Thank God!)

By Marc Comtois | October 27, 2008 |

It’s the final week of this never-ending election and people who can make up their minds await the decision of the 10% (or so) who can’t. I can never figure out how you could be undecided at this point, but people are. In the Senate, despite the conviction of Ted Stevens (AK), it still looks…

Council 94 Accepts “New” Deal

By Marc Comtois | October 24, 2008 |

In July, Council 94 tried to ignore economic reality and rejected this deal: 1) Pay raises of zero, 2.5 percent, 3 percent and 3 percent during each of the next four years; 2) a one-day pay reduction in the current year that employees can recoup as a paid leave day; 3) escalating increases in the…

Why We’re in the Mess We’re In

By Justin Katz | October 23, 2008 |

In a Sakonnet Times story about the advantages that incumbents have in Rhode Island, Senator Charles Levesque inadvertently gives a small indication of why Rhode Island is in its current predicament: Sen. Levesque makes no apologies for obtaining what he calls “civic support” for the library and reaping a little publicity in the process. “Is…