Rhode Island Politics

“Fixing” Rhode Island

By Justin Katz | October 1, 2008 |

In a comment to my post on Bob Kerr’s column, Aldo writes: Not so fast….. Alves’ Election Appeal Update – Your taxes at work! Quick update on the fiasco in the RI Supreme Court …. All parties involved in Alves’ appeal were supposed to have submitted their briefs / supporting documentation by 4:30 on Friday…

Dear Steve…

By Justin Katz | September 30, 2008 |

Give the man his due, Bob Kerr had a good column on Sunday, written in the form of a sympathy letter to soon-to-be-ex-Senator Steve Alves: I recall the letter now, Steve, because it seems you too are dealing with that same kind of heartbreaking end, that same abrupt dismissal from what seemed a rock solid…

The Tone of the Incumbent

By Justin Katz | September 25, 2008 |

The other evening, an older gentleman in Tiverton told me of his experience working in town government with Tiverton Town Council President Louise Durfee… during the Nixon administration. Well, the heiress apparently sees something of concern in Tiverton Citizens for Change, because she took out a big advertisement in the Sakonnet Times this week, the…

Playing the Poll Game

By Marc Comtois | September 22, 2008 |

I see Matt and Ian have both posted about how the most recent Brown poll shows an “approval” rating of only 39% for Governor Carcieri. The actual question/answers are as follows: How would you rate the job Don Carcieri is doing as governor? Excellent 13.0%; Good 26.3%; Only fair 24.9%; Poor 32.8%; Don’t know/No answer…

Partisan Rhode Island

By Justin Katz | September 19, 2008 |

Perhaps the key is to acknowledge and work with Rhode Islanders’ pathological need to vote Democrat: [Michael] Pinga [electoral slayer of West Warwick Senator Stephen Alves] switched his voter affiliation to Democrat from Republican this spring. Some of his ideologies — his support of Governor Carcieri and opposition to tax hikes, abortion and gay marriage…

Katherine Gregg, Conspirator

By Justin Katz | September 13, 2008 |

It may be that it doesn’t come across as often as it should, but I’m as disappointed as anybody that Governor Carcieri seems often not to understand the image that he must present to counter the break-and-blame strategy that the Democrats have woven into the governance of Rhode Island. If actions of the General Assembly…

Primary Surprises?

By Carroll Andrew Morse | September 9, 2008 |

UPDATE: Monique & WJAR-TV say Alves loses. He’ll seek a recount…One of the biggest upsets was brewing in state Senate District 9, where eight-term incumbent Alves was behind by 17 votes to Michael Pinga with 100 percent of the vote counted, according to Associated Press numbers. Alves, who represents West Warwick, told The Providence Journal…

Little Wonder We’re in Trouble

By Justin Katz | September 2, 2008 |

We’ve reached a state of near parody: While Political Scene was trolling the hallway outside Supreme Court Chief Justice Frank J. Williams’ office, in the Licht Judicial Complex, last week, something sparkly caught our eye. A contractor perched atop elevated scaffolding was installing 23-carat gold leaf on the detailed ceiling trim. The work appeared part…

The Rhode-Islandification of America?

By Justin Katz | August 25, 2008 |

A comment from Tom W, last week, raises an interesting question (emphasis added): Of course “Linc” is now being widely (hailed) in the MSM regarding involvement with “Republicans for Obama.” Gotta love the irony, since McCain came here to campaign for Chafee to try to save his RINO bacon. This is what happens when the…

Manufacturing Spin

By Justin Katz | August 21, 2008 |

What folks on the local Left don’t seem to understand is that we at Anchor Rising aren’t so much politicos as, well, nerds (although we prefer the term “intellectuals,” of course). So, for instance, when one of them cites a factoid or offers some analysis that we find interesting, our first thought is, “Huh. I…