Rhode Island Politics

Rep Dickinson’s “Report” From Smith Hill – Part 3 of 3: “The legislature is designed to perpetuate itself and its privileges, and to cover up problems.”

By Monique Chartier | September 9, 2012 |

Following is Part Three of the five page letter that Representative Spencer Dickinson (D-South Kingstown) sent in the last few days to constituents to make the case for voters to choose him over his Democrat challenger in Tuesday’s primary. (Part One. Part Two. Full letter as a PDF.) Beyond partisanship, the letter is a valuable…

Rep Dickinson’s “Report” From Smith Hill – Part 2 of 3, Redistricting: “the Speaker had identified three [Democrat] representatives whom he was determined to prevent from being re-elected.”

By Monique Chartier | September 9, 2012 |

Following is Part Two of the five page letter that Representative Spencer Dickinson (D-South Kingstown) sent in the last few days to constituents to make the case for voters to choose him over his Democrat challenger in Tuesday’s primary. ( Part One. Full letter as a PDF.) Beyond partisanship, the letter is a valuable insight…

Rep Dickinson’s “Report” From Smith Hill – Part 1 of 3: “the [Speaker’s] chief of staff was a political operative who considered everything of value to be under his control”

By Monique Chartier | September 9, 2012 |

Representative Spencer Dickinson (D-South Kingstown) faces a Democrat challenger in this Tuesday’s primary. In the last few days, he mailed out a five page letter to some, or possibly all, of his constituents, making the case for voters to choose him over his challenger, Councilwoman Kathy Fogarty, at the polls on Tuesday. (Full letter as…

Cicilline and the “Locked Out” Auditor – PolitiFact Does the Right Thing And Doesn’t Shield Him Behind a Technicality

By Monique Chartier | September 9, 2012 |

Alright, alright, I’ll say it! Much as it pains me to admit it in view of their unfortunate record on so many other ratings, PolitiFact did a very good job rating an important and inaccurate statement that David Cicilline’s made during the WPRO Dem primary debate Tuesday night. Below is my transcription of the exchange,…

Introducing the Concept of Agenda

By Justin Katz | September 5, 2012 |

A good example of the questionable utility of political debates arose during the Congressional district 1 primary debate on WPRO, last night.  Only the most plugged in voters will have any inkling of what statements are true and which are spun to falsehood — let alone the context in which the facts were playing. Trying to…

Democrat Independent Lincoln Chafee Speaking At DNC

By Patrick Laverty | August 31, 2012 |

Ted Nesi reported that Governor Lincoln Chafee will get a prime time speaking slot at the Democratic National Convention next week. I think that’s great that Rhode Island democrats will finally get some recognition and our governor is being honored in such a way. Wait, what? Chafee’s not a Democrat? Then why is he speaking…

Patrick Lynch on Voter Fraud: Not To Worry, Statute of Limitations Is Only a Year

By Monique Chartier | August 28, 2012 |

Extending, even out of office, his repugnant legacy of coming to the aid of Rhode Island’s political bad guys, no matter the crime or infraction, former RI Attorney General Patrick Lynch helpfully tweeted the following this morning at 7:22 am (re-tweeted by the spokesperson of the current Attorney General). Rhode Island legal trivia: There is…

The Gemma Press Conf About Voter Fraud: Questions that Doubters Must Answer

By Monique Chartier | August 26, 2012 |

Yes, it’s true, it appears that Anthony Gemma missed his intended target at his press conference on Wednesday. No evidence was presented that David Cicilline himself participated in carrying out voter fraud (though there is also no doubt that it was his election bid that would have benefited from these alleged efforts). But in the…

Proof to Gemma Claims Trickling Out

By Marc Comtois | August 25, 2012 |

Let me just say this: I’m glad the media has gotten over their (semi-justified, though hyperbolic) derision of the Gemma voter fraud presentation (and all the professional analysis claiming nothing doin’) and is looking into his claims. WPRI took the lead, but now the ProJo has some video of a man who claims to be…

Uncommon Integrity?

By Patrick Laverty | August 24, 2012 |

I just can’t keep this one to myself anymore. At the risk of giving this campaign any more attention than it deserves, I have to point this out. I also apologize as this is a race that is only for RI Senate District 19 and not a statewide race. But this is the kind of…