Rhode Island Politics
Bob Walsh is on Governor-elect Lincoln Chafee’s transition team? National Education Association Rhode Island Executive Director Bob Walsh is preparing the way for Rhode Island’s next governor? Boy, they (you know whom I mean) aren’t even trying to hide it anymore. Two hyperbolic scenarios arise in my imagination. In the first, a simpering Chafee begs,…
Isn’t this just too appropriate? In a story confirmed by both campaigns, Block said in his posting that the meeting came about after a debate Friday night, when Block approached Caprio and told him “in a different lifetime I’d beg him to get me in to see the president.” Caprio said he was happy to…
I can’t say I wasn’t warned; Rhode Island is a tough place for a Republican to run for office. It just came out one day at an East Providence GOP meeting. Someone asked; “Do we have anyone running for Senate 18?” The next thing I knew, everyone was looking at me. Even my wife, who…
I will give credit to Governor-elect Chafee for having the good political sense of declining his statutory raise and putting the funds towards government employee recognition awards. (Producer Kara on the Helen Glover Show likened it to the Dundies given by the boss on The Office, Michael Scott. The “Chafees”?). So far, he’s the only…
While all of us, candidates and voters alike, recover from our political hangover, I am eager to announce that the Haldeman Campaign 2012 for State Representative, District 35 has already begun its planning process! I am very grateful to all my supporters, and I’m inspired to push forward by virtue of the 48% who voted…
I’m still feeling optimistic about the ability of the still inchoate reform movement to make advances and gain converts over the next two years, but a sense of near-term doom is still appropriate: After meeting with the House speaker and the Senate president, Governor-elect Lincoln D. Chafee said Friday he was optimistic that he will…
A couple of posts ago, Justin cited the statement yesterday by Linc Chafee that One of our impediments has been too much fighting to which Justin responds “Too much fighting” means too much opposition to the position that he and his political supporters — mostly leftists and unionists — wish to impose on the state.…
Matt and Andrew are surely correct about Rhode Island’s pending efforts to work dig its own grave even more deeply. The thing is: There was no plausible outcome, for this election, that could have stopped that. So, go ahead and feel those feelings: I wish I’d never bought property in Rhode Island, because now it’s…
Andrew and Matt discussed the imminent suffering of Rhode Island on last night’s Matt Allen Show. Stream by clicking here, or download it.
I wrote that title with the most collegial of intentions… but I do think WRNI’s Ian Donnis is way off on this one: Rhode Island’s GOP has long been split between its moderate and conservative wings. The message sent yesterday by Rhode Island voters was that they favor a more moderate kind of Republicanism. The…