Rhode Island Politics

Losing Faith in Our Government

By Justin Katz | June 16, 2010 |

Ed Achorn joins those of us for whom the just-passed session of the General Assembly had the effect of bringing the representative nature of our state government into question: Rhode Island leaders enjoy having the power to defy the public and render its representatives impotent. But that power trip costs us dearly. An informed and…

In$ight Into the Overpriced C.F. School Repairs? (And What About AG $piderman?)

By Monique Chartier | June 11, 2010 |

Further to my post pointing to the Hummel Report about overpriced school repairs carried out by Iron Construction under the authorization of Mayor Moreau, someone kindly sent along a list of campaign contributions made by the president of that company. Let’s see. Thanks to Hummel, we know what Mr. Depasquale appears to have received by…

Hummel! Overpriced School Repairs – Mayor Board-Up Strikes Again

By Monique Chartier | June 10, 2010 |

This week’s Hummel Report [h/t WPRO’s John Depetro] returns to the scene of a prior potential crime to discover that Mayor Charles Moreau has had a heavy hand in choosing the vendors for repairs to Central Falls schools [Superintendent Fran] Gallo quickly found out, though, Mayor Moreau held the checkbook, and was calling all of…

Four Bills to Be Heard by the House Finance Committee Today

By Carroll Andrew Morse | June 10, 2010 |

According to the Rhode Island General Assembly website, four bills are to be heard by the House finance committee this afternoon, and be eligible for floor-action on what is purportedly going to be the last day of this legislative session…What looks to be a good-goverment bill regarding state purchasing and bidding (S2442). Most of the…

Senator Marc Cote: A Call to Action – Representative Government at Risk in RI

By Engaged Citizen | June 8, 2010 |

If you or members of your family are currently unemployed, please take notice of the following. Whether or not you’ve spoken out about past government abuse, now is the time to be heard! Last week’s orchestrated procedural shenanigans by the leadership of the State Senate to stifle debate and deliberation, and temporarily kill reasonable legislation…

Busy Week

By Carroll Andrew Morse | June 8, 2010 |

Three questions about what is happening at the Rhode Island Statehouse this week…Given that a Constitutional referendum on the expansion of gambling looks to have been fast-tracked, will the referendum be simply a yes-or-no decision on the casino, with all of the details to be decided by the legislature later, as at least one early…

Thwarting the Senate on E-Verify: Why Did the Senate President Go with the Highly Unusual Voice Vote Rather Than the Far More Accurate Electronic Vote?

By Monique Chartier | June 6, 2010 |

[See my post for a recitation of events and Andrew’s post for a description of bill procedure and why democracy within the Capitol is too often considered a “parliamentary trick” by leadership.] This is the question that I asked the office of the Senate President four times over the course of three days last week:…

Budget “Highlights”

By Marc Comtois | June 4, 2010 |

For commenter edification, here are the three “highlights” of the just-passed House Budget, cribbed from the ProJo: * Car Tax – 50-22 voted to cut around $120 million in car tax subsidies from cities and towns. Gave cities and towns the ability to implement their own car tax “to make up for the losses” by…

Always Money for the Trifles

By Justin Katz | June 3, 2010 |

I don’t know enough about the project in question to endorse his insinuations, but William Stanley, of Cranston, does point out a curious allocation of limited resources: Both of these bridges are critical to the residents, especially because without them, such emergency services as police, rescue and firefighting must travel a considerable distance, and in…

RI has 2 of 7 “Junkiest Cities”

By Marc Comtois | June 3, 2010 |

Oy. Think Greece and Spain are drowning in debt? Look a little closer to home. Seven U.S. cities recently had their municipal bonds downgraded below investment grade. Their debt is now junk, considered more worthless than that of the so-called PIIGS. “America’s short-term budget crises, long-term growth perspectives and needs for austerity are similar [to…