Rhode Island Politics

Perhaps There Should Be a Pal Party

By Justin Katz | January 9, 2010 |

I take it that Monique is responding to later segments of Dan Yorke’s Thursday interview with Warwick’s Republican mayor, Scott Avedisian (audio here). This is the very first exchange in the interview: Dan Yorke: What is your position on the governor’s race, what are you going to be doing with your friend, Linc Chafee, and…

Communicating the Wrong Message

By Justin Katz | January 9, 2010 |

How can a struggling Rhode Islander not shake his or her head every time this subject comes up? The [Emergency Management Agency] EMA, charged with cutting $200,000, was struggling to meet the figure because the agency had gained an employee from, of all places, the governor’s office. Steve Kass, the former radio talk show host…

Raptakis Chooses Secretary of State

By Justin Katz | January 8, 2010 |

Rhode Island Senator Leonidas Raptakis (D, Coventry, East Greenwich, Warwick, West Warwick), who has been open about his intention to run for statewide office, has chosen the Secretary of State position as his target: As a State Senator, I have worked to effectively represent the interests of my constituents. I have successfully fought for passage…

Friendship and Politics: Avedisian @ Chafee

By Monique Chartier | January 8, 2010 |

All this week, WPRO’s Dan Yorke has heavily questioned the party loyalty of Mayor Scott Avedisian (R-Warwick) for attending A Certain Gubernatorial Announcement, going so far as to call for the RIGOP to throw him out of the party. This culminated yesterday in an extensive and frank interview with the Mayor [podcast not yet available].…

A Change in the Winds

By Justin Katz | January 7, 2010 |

Michelle Malkin presents an exhibit to go with the almost daily announcements of retiring Democrats: Rasmussen rings in the new year with a new poll showing that the number of Americans who identify as Democrats has fallen to its lowest level in seven years: In December, the number of Americans identifying themselves as Democrats fell…

Loughlin Follows Through

By Marc Comtois | January 7, 2010 |

As he promised Dan Yorke yesterday, Rep. John Loughlin has penned a letter (via Dan Yorke) to Governor Carcieri apologizing for co-signing a letter drafted by Democratic Rep. Amy Rice and also explaining steps he would take to help ameliorate some of the problems that the Governor’s budget cuts are causing at the city and…

Open Forum on Closing the RIGOP Primary

By Marc Comtois | January 7, 2010 |

The RIGOP Executive Committee voted to have a meeting to vote on closing their primary (roll call and more info provided by Will Ricci in the extended entry). Chairmain Gio Cicione has stated that he won’t call the meeting until after the 2010 elections and the rank and file are upset, arguing that he’s abusing…

How About the Philosophical Questions?

By Justin Katz | January 7, 2010 |

Part of our problem, in Rhode Island, is that our political class likes to treat each issue separately. It focuses on whether policy A is good or bad, but rarely considers whether funding A ought to have implications of the funding of B, C, and D. In other words, our elected officials don’t like to…

RE: Opening the Year With Fatal Steps – Loughlin

By Marc Comtois | January 6, 2010 |

Following up Justin’s earlier post, WPRO’s Dan Yorke took Rep. John Loughlin to task for adding his name to the Rice letter and thereby seeming to endorse the overall “it’s not the legislature’s fault” message that it tries to spin. Loughlin admitted his mistake and told Yorke he would be retracting his name from the…

Budget Misery and the Government Payroll Economy

By Marc Comtois | January 6, 2010 |

Rhode Island is not alone in facing budget deficits as many other states (if not most) are in the same predicament. As a recent study by the Cato Institute shows, a lot of the deficit problems stem from generous public employee compensation packages. State and local governments face large budget deficits as revenues have stagnated…