
A water drop and ripples

I’m reevaluating Jorge Elorza’s in-your-face shouts at McKee.

By Justin Katz | July 25, 2024 |

When Elorza was mayor, it seemed embarrassing for him to take a public event as an opportunity to confront McKee, but his recent comments about public education in Providence, which formed the basis for the confrontation, suggest his emotions were well placed and genuine: “What we have now is a system that locks in place…

An old man stares at himself in the bathroom mirror

Politics This Week: Living in Dementia America

By Justin Katz | July 1, 2024 |

John DePetro and Justin Katz discuss the perilous position of the country and state.

A crowd mocks a mismatched boy while not noticing people getting away with things

Politics This Week: What People Don’t Care About

By Justin Katz | June 11, 2024 |

John DePetro and Justin Katz put a spotlight on the aspects of controversies that nobody seems to notice.

A horse-riding general leads his troops off a cliff

Politics This Week: Breaking from the Top

By Justin Katz | May 21, 2024 |

John DePetro and Justin Katz look for the realities behind the headlines in Rhode Island.

A weatherman reports a sunny day while it storms outside

Politics This Week: The Era of Messaging

By Justin Katz | April 29, 2024 |

John DePetro and Justin Katz highlight some of the ways the local media and political establishment distort the public message.

A water drop and ripples

Progressive policies only seek to manage increasing hostilities and problems.

By Justin Katz | April 24, 2024 |

The headline of a Alexa Gagosz’s recent Boston Globe article asks, “Will tenants unions make a difference in Rhode Island’s housing crisis?”  The answer, we can be confident, is “yes,” although it will make a difference by making it worse. The state’s problem is insufficient housing, and the only durable, healthy way to give tenants,…

The Independent Man drives away from the State House

Politics This Week: Arrested Hope

By Justin Katz | April 8, 2024 |

John DePetro and Justin Katz review some of the distractions and calamities in Rhode Island government.

A teacher at the blackboard in a cage

Freeing teachers means freeing them from an inapt industrial employment model.

By Justin Katz | March 27, 2024 |

Brandon Busteed’s argument in Forbes well taken: U.S. teachers are dead last among all occupational groups and professions in feeling their opinions count at work, that their supervisor creates an open and trusting environment and that they are treated with respect each day. Teachers are also the highest of all professions in experiencing burn-out and…

A killer clown's shadow falls on Main Street

Politics This Week: When the Clowns Control

By Justin Katz | March 26, 2024 |

John DePetro and Justin Katz review the latest way government officials and journalists put our state on the wrong track.

Fictional movie poster for Day of Reckoning

Politics This Week: Day of Reckoning!

By Justin Katz | March 18, 2024 |

John DePetro and Justin Katz explore who can expect days of reckoning in Rhode Island.