
Sketch of Disaster Dan Sitcom

Politics This Week: RI’s Undeclared Disaster

By Justin Katz | January 15, 2024 |

John DePetro and Justin Katz go over the slow-rolling perpetual disaster of RI politics and government.

A mechanic stares down a destroyed machine

Politics This Week: The Era of Mismanagement

By Justin Katz | December 4, 2023 |

John DePetro and Justin Katz challenge the common wisdom in RI government, media, and higher education.

A slick man charms the listener with a demon behind him

Politics This Week: Ulterior Motives from the RI Left

By Justin Katz | November 27, 2023 |

John DePetro and Justin Katz point out the hidden motives of RI politicians and activists and their works.

A man in a suit starts a fire against a government building

Politics This Week: RI Moves Further into Thugocracy

By Justin Katz | November 20, 2023 |

John DePetro and Justin Katz discuss the deteriorating civic structure of Rhode Island.

A girl walks through a haunted graveyard whistling

Politics This Week: Whistling Past a Changing Political Environment in RI

By Justin Katz | October 23, 2023 |

John DePetro and Justin Katz dig into important developments that the RI mainstream doesn’t want to address.

A sunken boat surrounded by sharks

Politics This Week: Land of No Chance for Improvement

By Justin Katz | September 25, 2023 |

John DePetro and Justin Katz review several of the dead ends to progress in the Ocean State.

A woman walks in a smokey alley

Politics This Week: Stories of Absolutely No Interest (To the Media)

By Justin Katz | September 11, 2023 |

John DePetro and Justin Katz tease out multiple stories that the local media could investigate to generate interest (but probably won’t).

A clam reading a newspaper

Politics This Week: Media and Identity in CD1 and Labor

By Justin Katz | September 6, 2023 |

John DePetro and Justin Katz discuss the implications of labor control and CD1 dynamics.

A hand reaches for chains

Politics This Week: Unions Versus the People in RI

By Justin Katz | July 17, 2023 |

John DePetro and Justin Katz discuss evidence of unions’ tightening grip on Rhode Island and other political topics.

People gathered around a bonfire

The independent contractor form is just another stick on the bonfire.

By Justin Katz | July 13, 2023 |

A form declaring status as an “independent contractor” isn’t quite as dramatic as some are saying, but it’s still an indication of Rhode Island’s terrible priorities and special-interest favoratism.