War on Terror
Like Rich Lowry, I think that the President’s new Iraq plan (“the Surge”) is “better late than never.” And that applies to more than just changes in the military operations side of things and includes such “hearts and minds” actions as giving ground commanders more walking around money and the implementation of an Iraq Oil…
Via NRO: The president’s speech was adequate. He said the right things. The question of course is whether or not the plan he outlined can be implemented. In terms of substance, the president’s plan is not so much a true innovation as an adaptation to the changing circumstances in Iraq. Until February of last year,…
The Congress shall have power…To declare war, grant letters of marque and reprisal, and make rules concerning captures on land and water; To raise and support armies, but no appropriation of money to that use shall be for a longer term than two years; To provide and maintain a navy; To make rules for the…
I wish I were confident that we will soon reach a time when sentiments the likes of this, from Mark Steyn, can safely be ignored as repetitive: Many of us think about the long-term shifts necessary to win this struggle: euthanizing the United Nations and overhauling other malign and anachronistic institutions. Fat chance. Mustaf Jama’s…
Retired General Barry McCaffrey, Adjunct Professor of International Affairs at the United States Military Academy, and who has toured Iraq several times since the overthrow of Saddam Husein, doesn’t think any plan centered on reducing U.S Forces in Iraq to a small number of advisors as quickly as 2008, as suggested by the Iraq Study…
Today’s Projo includes an unsigned op-ed on the Iraq Study Group report. The op-ed praises consensus, largely for its own sake… The commission, with no particular political axes to grind, declared that U.S. policy is not working and the situation is grave and deteriorating…. In any event, we hope that the commission’s rigorous report will…
The ProJo reports: Federal terrorism officials and Rhode Island authorities converged this week to arrest an Indian citizen enrolled in a Smithfield tractor-trailer training school who was trying to obtain a commercial driver’s license and permit to haul hazardous materials. The man, Mohammed Yusef Mullawala, of Jamaica, N.Y., is being held in federal custody for…
For those so inclined, I’ve put up a longish piece (WARNING: excessive scholarliness may induce drowsiness) over at Spinning Clio that touches on Pearl Harbor, 9/11 and conspiracies about each. (Though it is mostly about debunking the Pearl Harbor conspiracies.)
I haven’t had time to fully digest it yet, but I can already tell you about a basic problem with the Iraq Study Group’s report, which is full of statements like this one (page 50)…The Study Group recognizes that U.S. relationships with Iran and Syria involve difficult issues that must be resolved. Diplomatic talks should…
Here’s a short news item that can be pondered as readers peruse the much-awaited release of the report from the Iraq Study Group. According to Michael Isikoff and Mark Hosenball of Newsweek, the incoming Democratic Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee favors sending more troops to Iraq…In an interview with NEWSWEEK on Tuesday, [Congressman Silvestre…