War on Terror

Responding to Our Signals

By Justin Katz | July 13, 2010 |

In response to folks who insist on seeing Iran’s leadership as rational actors, Mark Steyn makes the somewhat obvious point that even a rational response to the pressures — the “stimulus,” if you will — that the United States is bringing to bear for Iran leads to a very dangerous place: But let’s flip Dr…

The Slow Theocratic Revolution

By Justin Katz | July 9, 2010 |

Andrew McCarthy takes the radicalization of Turkey as an opportunity to trace Islamists’ strategy for cultural hegemony (subscription required). That Turkey has been a partner to the West, he notes, was a result of efforts by Mustafa Kemal Pasha (Ataturk) to keep Islam out of government, an intention that appears now to have been circumvented.…

Crossing Protective Lines

By Justin Katz | April 11, 2010 |

During President George W. Bush’s time in office, Mark Shea was perhaps the blogosphere’s leading politically conservative Roman Catholic speaking out against enhanced interrogation and other practices. Frankly, I ceased my daily visits to his site because he drew a stark line across which he saw questionable intentions and evil rhetoric, and even a desire…

Movie Briefs

By Marc Comtois | March 2, 2010 |

While it has it’s inaccuracies, The Hurt Locker is a movie I’d heartily recommend. The most impressive parts of the film for me were those depicting the stressful situations the soldiers were in while doing their job, ie; everyday life for a U.S. combatant in Iraq circa 2004. On a completely different note, I also…

So AG Holder is Backing Away from Civilian Trials for Terrorists?

By Monique Chartier | February 16, 2010 |

Seven paragraphs into this New York Times article about US Attorney General Eric Holder once again finding his political voice (and, as someone who very much wants a change of administration in three years, I say, let the man speak) comes this. “I have to do a better job in explaining the decisions that I…

Obama Avoids the “V” Work in Iraq

By Marc Comtois | January 28, 2010 |

I don’t have too much to say about the State of the Union Address, except for one question: has there ever been a military victory that has been so diminished in our nation’s history? As we take the fight to al Qaeda, we are responsibly leaving Iraq to its people. As a candidate, I promised…

The Man Behind the Tendrils

By Justin Katz | December 30, 2009 |

Andrew McCarthy’s takedown of Attorney General Eric Holder is relevant for a number of topical reasons — the war on terror, generally, the strategy of treating the war like a criminal action, the decision to give terrorist masterminds access to the American civil courts, even as an international police organizations are freed from accountability. On…

Not the Way to Win in Afghanistan

By Justin Katz | December 2, 2009 |

The American military commander in Afghanistan had already tempered his request for troops: Gen. Stanley McChrystal wanted to ask President Obama for 50,000 more troops for Afghanistan on top of the 68,000 already stationed there, but he was convinced to lower the request to 40,000, reports CBS News White House correspondent Chip Reid. Sources tell…

The Confused Post Hoc Rationalizations of Robert Wright

By Justin Katz | November 28, 2009 |

Robert Wright’s recent op-ed in the New York Times has the feel of a post hoc argument and is, simply put, confused. The American right and left reacted to 9/11 differently. Their respective responses were, to oversimplify a bit: “kill the terrorists” and “kill the terrorism meme.” Conservatives backed war in Iraq, and they’re now…

Why are We Trying Them if We’re Going to Detain Them Regardless of the Verdict?

By Monique Chartier | November 28, 2009 |

Under “John Loughlin on the Civil Trial of Terrorists“, Joe Bernstein observes, Nor can you explain how it is that Holder admits before a Senate committee that he doesn’t know the consequences of an acquittal after these people are brought into this country under color of law to stand trial. Quoting Attorney General Eric Holder…