Not a One on the Island

I managed to restrain myself and hold on to a Christmas gift card to Barnes & Noble until Wednesday in order to put it toward the purchase of Jonah Goldberg’s new book. (As readers know, I was otherwise occupied on Tuesday evening, which is when the book was officially released.) Liberal Fascism was nowhere to be found in the Middletown store; I even walked around and looked in possible places of giggly liberal concealment — historical fiction, fantasy, comedy. Having no success, I inquired at the customer service desk, and the woman behind the counter informed me that the store had not received a single copy.
Did I order one? Well, no. If I have to do that, why would I care to do so at a corporate storefront rather than choose either a small shop or an online source to which I’d prefer that my money went?

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16 years ago

Oh great. Something new to inflame conservative paranoia and fantasies of victimhood. “[M]odern liberalism’s spooky origins in early 20th-century fascist politics.” How funny.
Oh well, I hope you enjoy the book, Justin. And I hope Goldberg enjoys your $27.50. I am sure it’s a worthwhile investment for both.

16 years ago

Bought the very same book today at the Borders in Mansfield. Last copy (or to further inflame paranoia and ‘chalkdust’) perhaps the only copy. 🙂

16 years ago

Try Stop and Shop – next to the Sean Hannity section

andrew Burton
andrew Burton
16 years ago

found one at the Borders in Cranston

16 years ago

Oh, those fascistic corporate chain stores!

16 years ago

Keep laughing Rhody. The budget is due out in 72 hours.
You won’t be laughing then.
“Progressives, like other vermin, are best controlled by restricting their food supply-money”

16 years ago

Mike, master of the non-sequitur – he’ll be here all week, folks.

16 years ago

The publishing industry is pretty much run by big business. First time authors and anything provocative without a “big name” author have an extremely difficult time getting published, and if they manage to jump that hurdle, distribution is scarce, at best. There is a lot of quality work being published, it’s just harder to find. The chains, (Borders and Barnes and Nobel) have tremendous power over who becomes and stays sucessful.

16 years ago

As does Oprah.
… hey, APB for anyone who knows Oprah. We need to get Michael on her show.

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