And Off They Go
A mistrial and a plea agreement, and two child-molesting gay prostitutes are free and gone:
Two Bristol men charged with multiple molestation and child solicitation counts went to court last week and received a mistrial, nearly nine months after they were arrested by Bristol police following a Bristol and state investigation into crimes against children that had allegedly occurred over a three-year period. They are now free men, whereabouts unknown.
The trial of Sedonio Rodriques, 58, and Raymond Grenier, 54, who lived together at 26 Sampson St. in Bristol but were held without bail since their February arrests, started last Monday in Providence Superior Court and ended four days later on Thursday, Nov. 6, with the mistrial.
In a plea agreement, both men admitted guilt to two counts each of second-degree child molestation and received 13 years suspended with probation and eight months to serve, already served. They must now register as sex offenders and have no contact with the victim, conditions of the plea agreement. …
The men, who ran an internet-based massage business out of their home, previously worked as bus drivers for the Bristol Warren Regional School District before being fired for undisclosed reasons last year. Police records had shown a long list of complaints centered around their modest mustard-colored home off Mt. Hope Avenue, from wayward children to family disputes and problems with neighbors.
Whereabouts unknown. Not for long, I’d wager.
This is outrageous. These men are evil incarnate.
Justice and the Law haven’t been tied together since the gunslinger days…
These are the kind of people you don’t put in jail, they’re the kind you put *under* the jail.
“Justice and the Law haven’t been tied together since the gunslinger days…”
Greg, perhaps someone will reintroduce them and we’ll hear about it on the 6 o’clock news.
Hmm, the wife has been looking for Christmas ideas for me….
They should have sold grass to another adult.They’d be in for 10 years.When are the DCYF a**holes who allowed this going to trial?Never,I bet.Do you know why a mistrial was declared?
“They are now free men, whereabouts unknown.”
“They must now register as sex offenders and have no contact with the victim, conditions of the plea agreement. …”
They’re completely rehabilitated, right? LOL
How can they register for anything, if no one knows where they are? More likely than not, they probably went to Massachusetts. The tax burden on hard-working prostitutes is probably less there.
I’m not into wagering, but I’d wager they’ll be back before a judge before too long. Too bad for their victim(s).
>>When are the DCYF a**holes who allowed this going to trial?Never,I bet.
Having lunch, comparing pension eligibility dates with the fire inspector who passed “The Station” nightclub.
Maybe they are getting honored at the ACLU Awards Dinner tonight.I believe the topic this year is immigrant rights,but there’s always a chance they could slip in some baby raping scumbags.Personally,I hope they all get salmonella at the big shindig-imagine Charles Levesque and Steven Brown fighting for the last open toilet.
Justin Where are the earlier posts? This morning I read posts from Mike and from Kim Ahern and one from Mike that you deleted and one from TomW. I come back now and these posts have vanished. 1984 anyone?
David-scroll down a few threads to”Looking Glass”and you’ll find them.You’re on the wrong thread for those comments.
OTOH my daughter made a lengthy,but not particularly controversial comment a few days ago which disappeared-I chalk it up to computer gremlins,not 1984.
No Joe. It was this one. I was up at 5 and was bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. Where or where did the rants go?
This post appeared on the site at 6:00 a.m. this morning. None of the people you’ve mentioned have had comments deleted from it. You are indeed thinking of this post.
Hate to repeat myself ad nauseum but what sane person is the least bit surprised that this is the result of young boys being turned over to known rectum loving males?
If “gay” marriage is ever legalized any 2 men, “gay” or not, can marry and demand equal access to DCYF kids and will get it. That’s what “marriage equality” is all about-right Kim?
Just another way we have lost our common sense as a society and are going the way of Greece and Rome, ie. collapse.
As for the 8 month sentence does anyone remember Lynch attending the wedding of another “gay couple”-his sister and another woman?
Undoubtedly pressure was put by “progressives” on the AG to FREE THE BRISTOL TWO and he did.
I don’t believe in censorship.
I do believe in holding Mike, the voice of moral “rect”-titude here, so to speak, up to public ridicule.
Then again, I don’t whether to feel embarassed by him, or FOR him.
All I know is, I plan to give a toast at a wedding Saturday that Mike is going to really, really, really be angry about.
“Hate to repeat myself ad nauseum but what sane person is the least bit surprised that this is the result of young boys being turned over to known rectum loving males?” – Mike I’d be surprised that it is the result of the scumbags being homosexuals and not the result of them simply being very twisted individuals. However, since you seem convinced it is because they are gay I’d love to hear your explanation of why straight child-molesters choose to rape their children, grandchildren, neighbors’ children, etc. since you seem convinced that it is being gay that makes people molest kids or that gay people are somehow more likely to molest children (something I’d love for you to show some evidence to backup). As for the sentence, child molesters in general (same and opposite sex offenders both) get probation and little jail time. It is disturbing to say the least, but has nothing to do with the offenders being gay. Plenty of 50+ straight white males (anecdotally the demographic that I saw the most of being convicted for these offenses) get similar sentences – the time to serve is usually wiped out by the time they spent awaiting trial and probation carries on for years with no violations until they reoffend. Really not an effective way to protect children and the stigma/notice deterent that registering as an offender is supposed to be will never be as effective as keeping them in prison. “Just another way we have lost our common sense as a society and are going the way of Greece and Rome, ie. collapse.” – Mike Correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t the collapse of those societies involve ALOT more than a change in social values and the definition of “marriage?” I’m thinking somewhat along the lines of… Read more »