A Gift to the RI Right

I don’t know what makes Ian think think this news would “irritate” us: “Crowley to succeed Jerzyk at RI’s Future.” There’s even more reason for optimism in the fact that the RI Left doesn’t understand what a gift to Ocean State conservatives this is.

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16 years ago

Pat Crowley, the Corporal Agarn of the RI Left.
It’s the nicest Christmas that demi-human piece of s*** could have given any of us.

16 years ago

Wow, didn’t know part of the intent was to dumb it down too. Jerzyk is at least capable of calling a spade a spade and seeing both sides occasionally. With Crowley, if it’s not a union, it’s no good. If it’s the Governor, it’s bad.
They would have been better off letting Elmo from Sesame Street be the editor. It would have led to more interesting and intelligent conversation.

Ragin' Rhode Islander
Ragin' Rhode Islander
16 years ago

Gotta love this exchange from the story:
Q (to Crowley): How do you see role as the new owner of the blog in relation to your work with the NEA? Is there a need to determine a difference between “blog time” and “NEA time”?
A (by Crowley): While the issues I face at both jobs overlap the is a thick wall between my two jobs. The idea that either of these jobs require a time clock and you can punch in to one job after punching out from another just misses the way 21st century jobs operate.
This from the guy who fights for teachers contracts that pay them for every minute they are on the premises for any “extra duties” – and includes no requirements for the fabled (optional and unverifiable) “we spend our evenings do prep working and correcting homework” line they keep feeding us – and hits the “work to rule” button when they don’t get their way.

16 years ago

Ragin’, you make a good point. Crowley’s answer to that question did the best job of repudiating “work to rule” that I’ve seen in a long time.
I only wish more average Rhode Islanders read RI Future with Crowley in charge. He’d alienate most independents within a year.

16 years ago

Welcome , Welcome , Welcome Pat ( Napoleon ) Crowley . The ultra left is about to be exposed for what they really are no matter which job he blogs from .

16 years ago

“While the issues I face at both jobs overlap the is a thick wall between my two jobs. The idea that either of these jobs require a time clock and you can punch in to one job after punching out from another just misses the way 21st century jobs operate.”
Take your Crowley to English dictionaries out for that one. If there is anyone who knows about 21st century jobs, it isn’t someone who has never had a real job within the 21st century. Translation: He’s always on NEA time.

16 years ago

“The idea that either of these jobs require a time clock and you can punch in to one job after punching out from another just misses the way 21st century jobs operate.”
Is this quote from Ducky Crowley or Joe The Barber??

joe bernstein
joe bernstein
16 years ago

Joe the Barber can give a great haircut and he has a nice shop.he’s also a gentleman to speak to.
I was hoping Kim Ahern,Chris Blazejewski,or Teping Chen would take over for Jerzyk.They are all liberal,yes,but also challenging and intelligent,not to mention courteous.
I’m not afraid of anyone putting a strong argument in my face and having to defend my position.As long as they are willing to listen also.
I don’t find Pat a bad guy personally at all,but I think he’s pretty set in his ways.Okay-I am also,but if I’m wrong,I’ll acknowledge it-God knows I have been many times.
You have give Jerzyk this-he’s a very smart guy and probably will make a good lawyer.Nobody should have to pay an incompetent to represent them.

16 years ago

Meet the new commisar…
same as the old commisar.

16 years ago

Tweedledum replacing tweedledee.
One question, if a tree falls in the forest and no one hears it does it make a sound?

joe bernstein
joe bernstein
16 years ago

Tim-good points.I think there will be less readership now because the stridency will probably increase.More commenters will be banned because the people over there like Evan who seems to be very easily offended will basically call the shots.I don’t plan commenting over there any time soon again,if at all.There were actually some people who were enjoyable to debate with,like Mach and Tom Schmeling among others who were not interested in personal animosity,but stuck to the subject.
Blogs seem to be like any other enterprise-if you have a good product(forum) there will be more traffic.
I’ve noticed that N4N attracts very little in the way of responses-it may have to do with the long lag time between writing a comment and seeing it in print.

16 years ago

“While the issues I face at both jobs overlap the is a thick wall between my two jobs. The idea that either of these jobs require a time clock and you can punch in to one job after punching out from another just misses the way 21st century jobs operate.”
1.) Isn’t that exactly what teacher unions have so successfully negotiated on behalf of their members?
2.) Specific to Crowley (hi, Pat!), if he’s not punching in and out of either of his jobs or in any other way delineating time, doesn’t that mean prima facie that there is no wall of any thickness between his NEARI and his RIFuture jobs?

16 years ago

I am absolutely stunned by Pat’s comments. Contracts are written to the very minute…literally. Pat’s been doing that to teachers for years.
I think the true translation of Pat’s comments is this: “my work with the union will have nothing to do with the blog…but I will certainly maintain the blog while working at the NEA offices.”
Looks like the teachers of the NEA will be paying Pat to blog.

16 years ago

I’m in the wait-and-see camp myself, not knowing any of the principals personally.
But being in a transition period myself, I’ll be watching closely…

joe bernstein
joe bernstein
16 years ago

I have been reading the comments of concern by people here about whether crowley will maintain a “wall of separation”between NEA and RIF.
fact is,he doesn’t work for the taxpayers-he works for Bob Walsh and the NEA membership and the national NEA hierarchy.So,it is really only the concern of those people if Crowley mixes NEA businesss time with RIF time.
If they are okay with it,what is it to the rest of us?
I have disliked NEA for a long time for what I perceive as their highly proactive agenda which is extremely liberal.They appear to be trying to sway school curriculums to the left on a naional basis.
I would imagine Crowley’s superiors in the NEA would have no problem with his point of view or his blogging on NEA time.
I am not endorsing Crowley’s point of view in any respect.It’s just that we have no dog in the fight unless we are NEA members.Probably not many AR commenters are,but being ecumenical we have OTL,Rhody,and some others who may be-I really have no idea about that.

16 years ago

Joe, you are absolutely right. But the hypocrisy is just too sweet to leave alone.

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