Even Unto the Primaries
It’s hard enough to get people motivated about learning about and voting for General Assembly candidates in the general election; the primaries require a whole ‘nother level of commitment, but just as important, in some cases. I bring that up because Jim Hummel recently noted that a North Kingstown candidate running in the Republican primary has appeared in his investigative reporting before:
Three years ago North Kingstown’s school superintendent was forced out by the school committee under a cloud of controversy. The state Department of Education determined his administration improperly spent nearly a quarter of a million dollars of restricted special education grant money. Now, James Halley is back, asking the voters of North Kingstown to send him to the General Assembly.
Apart from the risk of new-boss-same-as-the-old-boss legislators on an individual basis, such controversies can create weak links for broader initiatives, like the Clean Slate campaign for Republican and independent candidates. The corruptibility of public office is already too great a concern even without candidates with a record.
This is exactly the reason why the GOP should have endorsed Doreen Costa for this three way GOP primary. Failure to take a stand when there exists a clearcut best option is evidence of lack of courage and willingness to truly address the issues which face the state, Clean Slate or not.
With the elimination of the South County section of the The Providence Journal it is much more difficult to follow what goes on in North Kingstown.
I have seen Mr. Halley at South County GOP breakfasts. Perhaps more than one?
I do remember the controversal publicity surrounding him.
The choice for me would be between Ann Marie Marshall and Doreen Costa. While in this race if I lived in that district I would vote for Doreen, I do not want to take anything away from Anne Marie Marshall who has stepped upped to the plate previously.
I suspect Doreen will prevail although the turnout may be light but probably higher than a normal primary in that area for the GOP side.
I need to check and see if the Standard Times has done any stories on it.
I am Chairman of the 38TH Republican Representative District Committee. Our committee endorsed Dr. Peter Bonk from Westerly. I learned from The Westerly Sun, my fellow Hopkinton Town Council member and colleague from years back Jill Matson filed for the race as well.
I will be voting for Dr. Bonk. I did make it a pint however to collect signatures for BOTH Peter and Jill to qualify for the ballot. John Matson is running as an Independent for U.S. House. I collected some signatures for him and he for the endorsed local Hopkinton Republican slate, I am on.
I collected signatures for the endorsed slate of the Rhode Island GOP and I am supporting Mark Zaccaria in the Second District U.S. House race.
You can view Sample Ballots for the primary on the Internet. Go to The Secretary of State or Rhode Island Board of Elections web site to access them.
Just checked in on Patricia Morgan web site. It omits she served as Rhode Island Republican State Chairman and other party posts. Certainly no secret to those that follow Rhode Island politics. I recall she was also local West Warick GOP Chair.
Check out http://electmorgan26.com/about.html ,.
She is a candidate for chair of the Republican Women at this time.
P.S. As you know I am NOT one of her admirers.