It’s Almost Like an Unintentional Social Theme…
Instapundti Glenn Reynolds put up two posts/links this afternoon that offer an interesting juxtaposition when combined. At 5:21 p.m.:
21ST CENTURY RELATIONSHIPS: Dinner Table Talk For Lesbians & Their Possible Sperm Donors.
STUDY: Adolescent boys more prone to delinquency without a father. “The sense of security generated by the presence of a male role model in a youth’s life has protective effects for a child, regardless of the degree of interaction between the child and father.”
One can rephrase succinctly, by saying that lesbians need sperm donors, but children need fathers. Hey, don’t worry: You can still pretend these cultural and biological facts are completely unrelated.
“The sense of security generated by the presence of a male role model in a youth’s life has protective effects for a child, regardless of the degree of interaction between the child and father.”
This was recognized back in the 60’s, with a program called the BBA. Basically, if a man, any man, would move in with a single mother, he would be paid $40.00 per week, or month, to be a father image. I don’t know what “BBA” actually stood for, it was called the “Boyfriend’s Beer Allowance”.
Yes let’s reinvent the wheel and remake society into the Brave New World. Our drugged up society constantly searches for the magic bullet in our glorious mission to be god(s).
“children need fathers”
Yes, they do.
The cultural differences between Portland and Providence are so vast and amazing as to almost border on the absurd.
I’m wondering if Rhode Island shouldn’t succeed from the union and form its own little Catholic / Christian enclave where 200 years of social and cultural changes in the American fabric of life are ignored.
Either way, I read this post and laughed. That and the (2?) posts about how terrible it is that they are calling it a “Holiday Tree”. Because I’ll tell you, the original spirit of Christmas most assuredly involved the unnecessary chopping down of trees and placing them dangerously in our homes with (back then) wood-burning fireplaces.
It’s nice to see that no matter how much I may agree with ya’ll on some economic and civil liberty issues, our “social policy gap” couldn’t possibly be wider
I’m curious which proposition you dispute: that children need fathers in their lives or that lesbians are unable to have children without sperm donors?
I’m curious which proposition you dispute: that children need fathers in their lives or that lesbians are unable to have children without sperm donors?
In general, I personally believe that it is “best practice” to have a mother and a father. But there are so many exceptions to this general principle in both scenarios that it is absurd and rather cruel to legislate this kind of social policy. I also believe it is better for kids not to eat a bowl of sugary cereal for breakfast every day, but we don’t need laws banning it.