Left-wing terrorists claim to Abolition Media Worldwide that they torched Speaker Shekarchi’s office over legal evictions.

Terrorists can claim responsibility for anything bad that happens, especially when they do so anonymously.  Still, it’s an unexpected development to see this statement (labeled as “received by email”) on a website that bills itself as “an online news source for revolutionary movements, with information about militant actions, analysis, and features about local struggles from around the world”:

On May 11th, at around 9:30pm we torched the law firm of Joe Shekarchi, a prominent Rhode Island politician [Shekarchi is the Rhode Island House Speaker].

It’s amazing what you can accomplish with just a bucket full of gasoline. We did it because that firm has helped parasitic landlords evict people out onto the streets, even during a pandemic. We did it to make the powerful feel the same fear those they exploit feel every day.

We have only one demand for the gutless scum in the government. Free housing for ALL, or we do it again.

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3 years ago

[…] find by Anchor Rising https://anchorrising.com/2021/05/31/left-wing-terrorists-claim-to-abolition-media-worldwide-that-the… Antifa has taken credit for torching the Law-firm of House Speaker Joe Shekarchi in Warwick. The […]

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